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Shelby Defends Second Amendment Rights on Senate Floor

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Thursday, December 3, 2015 U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R from Alabama) spoke on the Senate floor defending the rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.

shelby_richardSenator Shelby said the day after the terrorist attack on a Christmas Party in San Bernardino, California, “The tragic murders that occurred in California yesterday are unthinkable and horrific.  My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims, their families, and the entire community.  I would also like to take a moment to thank the brave first responders who selflessly and honorably risked their own lives in order to protect the lives of others.”

Sen. Shelby continued, “Following the tragic events of yesterday, President Obama – unsurprisingly – called to limit the Second Amendment rights of the American people through stricter gun control. This is yet another example of the President using tragic events to push his political agenda.”  “Infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is not the answer to curbing violent crime in America.  Restrictive gun control measures only prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves because criminals, by definition, refuse to follow the law.”

Sen. Shelby said, “In addition to President Obama’s misguided calls for gun control, he recently issued an executive order to remove unarmed military surplus vehicles obtained through the Section 1033 program from local law enforcement.  These vehicles have been valuable to local law enforcement in my home state of Alabama, specifically in Calhoun County.  They were also used by the local law enforcement seeking to protect those in harm’s way yesterday in California.  I have called on the President to reverse this dangerous decision in which he abuses the authority of his office by making unilateral decisions through executive fiat.”

Two M113 Armored Personnel Carriers that had been gifted to the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department were recently seized by the Obama administration; because he did not trust local law enforcement with the armored (but un-gunned vehicles).  In the recent San Bernardino terror attack it was local law enforcement who engaged and ultimately killed the two Islamo-fascist terrorists in the middle of town in a vehicle chase and fire fight where both sides fired hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

On Wednesday, December 2 the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department said after the fighting in the streets of San Bernardino: “Today’s tragedy is horrific. Thankful law enforcement in California had armored vehicles to protect them in stopping these mass murderers. Mr. President rescind your order and ensure law enforcement has the tools it needs to protect our communities.”

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Sen. Shelby said, “During this time of increased uncertainty at home and abroad, the American people are looking to us for certainty that we will do everything in our power to keep them safe.  Unfortunately, President Obama has once again chosen to attack and weaken local law enforcement and law-abiding citizens instead of focusing on fighting against criminals and radical Islamic terrorists.”

Sen. Shelby concluded, “Let me be clear: the President’s calls to increase gun control and remove equipment that local law enforcement uses to keep us safe only undermines the safety and security of American citizens.  Madame President, we simply cannot – and must not – continue to let this Administration infringe upon our constitutional rights and put law-abiding Americans in harm’s way.”

The President ordered the equipment to be seized after Ferguson, Missouri used some of the surplus vehicles in an attempt to quell Black Lives Matter rioters after an officer was accused of gunning down a Black man.   The officer was later exonerated; but looters and rioters burned much of the town.

Sen. Shelby is the senior Senator from Alabama.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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