By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Sunday, December 6, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) released a written statement in response to the President’s address to the nation on the growing ISIS threat both abroad and as home, as evidenced by the attacks in recent weeks on both San Bernardino, California and Paris, France.
Gov. Bentley said, “As their Governor, Alabamians know that I have been very outspoken about my fast growing concern over the Obama Administration’s unwillingness and inability to address the fact that America must take serious and swift action against the terrorist threats we face. Although five days later, President Obama finally acknowledged last week’s attack in California as one of terror, which many of us already suspected. Beyond that, I was disappointed in the President’s lack of strategy, vision or resolve to strike, stop and stymy the evil forces that are bent on destroying our great nation.”
Gov. Bentley continued, “Tonight the President merely restated an existing policy and attempted to distract Americans from the pressing issue of protecting and securing our nation by continuing to emphasize a philosophical and highly political focus on more gun control. Politicized solutions will not solve a national security threat. I have become increasingly frustrated with the Obama Administration’s apparent resistance to solve or address such pressing issues as the vetting and processing of Syrian refugees who seek to enter our country. This issue alone and the apparent circumventing of states in the vetting process causes me grave concern for our country. Alabamians can rest assure, as Governor I will use any and all means necessary to protect and secure our people to the best of my ability.”
Governor Bentley has been very vocal about his concerns about the President’s plan to resettle thousands of Syrian refugees in this country.
Gov. Bentley said, “The President closed his address by saying, “Freedom is more powerful than fear.” As one of the leaders of the fifty United States, I am not motivated by fear, but rather by a discerning resolve to defend and protect the people who proudly call this state their home. I pray the President finds that same resolve.”
At least one of the Paris attackers used refugee status to enter and freely move around Europe. One of the San Bernardino attackers, Tashfeen Malik, was screened and approved to immigrate to the United States just this year. She and her new American born husband killed 14 Americans and wounded 17 at a Christmas Party. President Obama has resisted requests from Gov. Bentley to share security information on refugees and other immigrants that the administration is settling in Alabama and other states.