By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Saturday, November 21, thousands of Trump supporters packed Birmingham’s BJCC to see the New York City businessman, reality TV star, and Republican Presidential candidate in person. Donald Trump did not disappoint those supporters.
The billionaire emphasized the wall he promises to build between the US and Mexico and referenced recent murders of Americans, including Kate Steinle, by illegal aliens. Trump attacked the media, “They are just not good people,” he said. He accused the media of misquoting him on the surveillance issue. Trump clarified his position, “If you don’t mind, I want to be. I want to surveil. I want surveillance of these people coming in, the Trojan horse, I want to know who the hell they are.”
Trump promised that he would keep the people of America safe if he were elected President and promised to improve the economy and get better trade deals. Trump also bragged about his rising poll numbers and was gleeful about recent polls showing the support for neurosurgeon Ben Carson was dropping.
About a half-dozen Black Lives Matter protestors were in attendance. CNN and several national media sources are claiming that the most obnoxious protestor was punched and kicked by Trump supporters in attendance. None of the Trump supporters that the Alabama Political Reporter talked to were able to confirm that story. Several deny that happened. The video that we have seen clearly shows the large Black man go down; but it is unclear whether he fell, flopped, or was pushed down after Donald Trump demanded that security remove the loud and obnoxious heckler. Trump said, “Get him out of here. Get him the Hell out of here.” Trump criticized the camera operators present for following the protestor out as he was dragged away by the US Secret Service instead of panning the large crowd in attendance.
On Sunday’s Fox and Friends, Trump was asked if his supporters roughed up the man. Trump said, “I don’t know. Rough up? Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing…The man that was. I don’t know, you say ‘roughed up.’ He was so obnoxious and so loud. He was screaming. I had 10,000 people in the room yesterday…….10,000 people. And this guy started screaming by himself.”
The Black Lives Matter movement sprung up in response to several highly publicized incidents of police shooting Black suspects.
Trump also praised talk radio host, Rush Limbaugh.
On Sunday, Limbaugh returned the favor when he told Fox News’s Chris Wallace that, “Trump is, I think, doing a great service. He is showing that you do not have to fear attacks from the media. He is showing you do not have to fear being politically correct or violating political correctness.”
Trump’s Alabama campaign is being Co-Chaired by State Representatives Ed Henry (R-Hartselle) and Jim Carns (R-Vestavia).
Rep. Henry said in a statement on Facebook, “Amazing rally in Birmingham this morning. Thousands came out on Football Saturday. Proof that one thing Alabamians care more about than football is saving this country. Help make America Great Again! Trump 2016!”
New Polling by Fox News shows Trump solidly in first place in the race to win the Republican nomination for President.