By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Monday, November 16, both women running to represent the Second Congressional District issued statements about terrorism and ISIS following the Friday terror attacks in Paris that killed 132 and wounded over 300 people.
Incumbent US Representative Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) wrote, “Friends, The terrorist attacks this weekend in Paris are a tragic reminder of the real and serious threat ISIS poses to our national security and that of our allies. We continue to pray for Paris and its people, and we stand with our friend and ally in the face of this unspeakable horror.”
Challenger Becky Gerritson (R-Wetumpka) signed a pledge on Monday promising to oppose any legislation or measure that would allow the intake of un-vetted Syrian refugees within the borders of the United States. Gerritson wrote, “I promise to fight President Obama’s open arms policy and oppose all legislation that invites danger into the lives of the men, women, and children of this great nation….In essence, this is Obama’s Islamic Importation Plan; and we cannot risk adopting his strategy that fails to screen against importing terrorists into this country.”
Congressman Roby wrote, “ISIS must be defeated, and that means it is imperative for us to properly fund and equip our military. It also means we need a sound strategy and bold leadership from our Commander-in-Chief, which we have lacked from President Obama since his hasty withdrawal of forces from the region left a vacuum of power. Now, as many as 10,000 Syrian refuges are reportedly about to start showing up in the United States in 2016 per President Obama’s directive. We cannot be this naïve. At least one of the Paris attackers came into that country via similar means, and ISIS has said it would actively try to game the refugee process to infiltrate western countries.”
Challenger Gerritson wrote, “If Obama is naïve, what does that make Martha? Once again our congressional representative, who claims to know better, has proven complicit with the liberal agenda in Washington. The people of Alabama are tired of Martha’s empty rhetoric, pathetic show votes, and complicity and partnership with a Washington ruling class that continues to put our security, our national sovereignty, and our very way of life in jeopardy to suit their agenda. Having seen Martha take votes to fund Obama’s Executive Amnesty and now his ‘Islamic Importation Plan,’ the people of District 2 have lost all faith in her ability to represent us.”
Rep. Roby wrote, “Just hours before we learned of the attacks, I was at Auburn University sharing a stage with General Lloyd Austin, Commander of the US Central Command, at a forum on the Middle East. General Austin commands an area of responsibility that encompasses the Middle East and Central Asia, including Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. We talked very clearly about the threat of ISIS, and the U.S. role in stopping and preventing future acts of terrorism. We’re blessed to have such an accomplished soldier commanding our forces in this fight, and I shared with him my commitment to building support in Congress to ensure our military has the resources it needs to get the job done.”
Wetumpka Tea Party founder and President Becky Gerritson charged, “Martha has rightfully earned the moniker ‘Show Vote Martha.’ When she thinks people are watching, she will occasionally force herself to do what she believes will enhance her electoral chances. However, she shows her true colors when she believes voters do not pay attention. She voted to bring the budget bill that fully funded Obama’s left-wing refugee plan to a vote. Unfortunately for her, voters will not be fooled when she attempts in vain to convince them that she has placed their security interests as her utmost priority.”
Congresswoman Roby said, “This is not about keeping Syrians out of our state or even our country. We all hate what these people are going through and want to help them how we can. But amid the direct threat facing our country from radical Islamic terrorism, we simply cannot risk our security by allowing thousands of Syrian refugees to resettle here, especially without a robust screening and security process in place. That’s just common sense, and I fear our president is too blinded by his worldview to see it. I’m in Washington this week and will be speaking out about this and getting answers on behalf of the people I represent.”
Gerritson said, “The safety of American people must come first. This president’s incoherent foreign policy has largely caused this crisis, and my heart goes out to all those who have been displaced. What we cannot afford, however, is the mass importation of un-vetted, undocumented refugees who come from a warring part of the world that is home to many who cling to an ideology of American hatred. Not all who we would bring over would feel this way, but the risk of even one terrorist getting through is far too great and the cost is far too terrible for us to allow bleeding heart liberals and status quo politicians to dictate our policy on this issue.”
Robert “Bob” Rogers is also running in the Second Congressional District.
Prior to serving the Second Congressional District, Roby was a Montgomery City Councilwoman.