By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, November 6 President Barack H. Obama (D) rejected the Keystone XL pipeline, upsetting many conservatives who believe that that oil would provide high paying jobs as well as energy for decades to come.
Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange (R) said, “President Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline. One more step in pushing his unworkable and expensive political agenda rather than expanding America’s access to lower cost energy to fuel our economy.”
U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R) said in his own statement, “Unsurprisingly, President Obama rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline today. Keystone would create jobs and decrease energy bills for American families while boosting our nation’s energy independence. The rejection of this job-creating project stands as further proof that this Administration is more concerned with playing partisan politics than improving our economy.”
The Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R from Wisconsin) also issued a written statement in reaction to the President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline: “This decision isn’t surprising, but it is sickening. By rejecting this pipeline, the president is rejecting tens of thousands of good-paying jobs. He is rejecting our largest trading partner and energy supplier. He is rejecting the will of the American people and a bipartisan majority of the Congress. If the president wants to spend the rest of his time in office catering to special interests, that’s his choice to make. But it’s just wrong. In the House, we are going to pursue a bold agenda of growth and opportunity for all.”
Republican Presidential Candidate and former Senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum commented on Obama rejection of Keystone XL: “Today’s decision by the Obama Administration is another betrayal of the American worker, American manufacturing, and American security. Workers are struggling and our enemies are on the march. More than 15,000 manufacturers and 2 million manufacturing jobs have been lost, jobs that require cheap, secure energy sources. Yet President Obama has decided to again abandon them and our security to appease the fringe environmental Left.”
Former Sen. Santorum said, “Under my Administration, we will commit to an all-of-the-above energy policy that will not just bring cheap energy prices to consumers at the pump, but will lower prices upstream for manufacturers and processors that depend on energy to make the products we use every day. And just as important, we will make our nation energy secure so we will not be held hostage by rouge regimes and radical groups with access to energy resources.”
The pro-petroleum industry group, Energy Citizens wrote, “The Obama Administration has rejected the Keystone XL pipeline, a disappointing blow for American energy, the economy and American workers. Even though we did not get the result we wanted, our collective voices were loud enough to impact the debate—thank you, Energy Citizens, for all of your hard work!”
The Obama Administration rejected that pipeline because of concerns that the extra CO2 released by refining and then burning that oil might worsen CO2 levels which they claim has an adverse impact on the world’s climate.