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DiChiara Challenges Rogers

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Tuesday, October 27, Career educator Dr. Larry DiChiara will formally kickoff his campaign as a Republican for Congress in the Third Congressional District.  The kickoff party will be held from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Courtyard Marriott at 2420 W Pace Parkway in Auburn.  DiChiara will face seven term incumbent Mike Rogers (R-Saks) in the March 1 Republican Primary.

Dr. Larry DiChiara said in a Thursday announcement, “After thoughtful consideration, much prayer and an outpouring of encouragement from my friends and family, I am excited to announce my candidacy for Congress.”

Former School Superintendent DiChiara asked for help from citizens in a statement on Facebook, “Here is what I need.  One, I need volunteers to help distribute flyers, push cards, stickers and yard signs.  You can call me, email me, or Facebook me if you would like to volunteer.  Second I need you to help get me get in front of your Church and civic groups. Invite me to speak at Rotary.  I will be there.  Invite me to speak to your Republican Club, Kiwanis, and so on. Help spread the word to whoever will listen: family members, church members, etc. I assume that they are as frustrated as I am.  And finally if you have friends who may be interested in helping our campaign financially we will certainly welcome their donations. We welcome yours as well no matter how large or how small.  Call, email, or go to our website.”

DiChiara spent ten years as Superintendent of the Phoenix City Schools System and was the 2012 Alabama Superintendent of the Year.  The School Board bought out his contract in November 2013.  In 2014 DiChiara was appointed by State Superintendent Tommy Bice as the acting Superintendent of the Selma City Schools during the recent state intervention.  DiChiara was one of the finalists for the Baldwin County Superintendent job.  He is a former assistant suplarry-dichiaraerintendent of the Lee County School System and former principal at Loachapoka High School.

Dr, CiChiara said, “For too long, Congress has led our country down a path of runaway deficits— jeopardizing our future by creating a public-finances equivalent to the subprime mortgage meltdown. Our financial crisis is real, and it’s here now.”  DiChiara promises on his website to be a strong advocate for limited government and personal freedom and to lead the charge to expand tax cuts and reduce wasteful spending, “Larry will champion low taxes, less government intrusion and greater fiscal responsibility.”

DiChiara said, “I understand what it takes to trim fat from a budget: I have done it in my business and I have done it as a former school superintendent—now, I am ready to do it in Washington…Our children and grandchildren deserve to be left with a legacy of the American Dream.”

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DiChiara is a graduate of Auburn University and has worked as a Special Education teacher, a coach, a principal, an administrator, a district superintendent and adjunct college professor.  As a Coach, in 1988 and 1989, Larry led the Loachapoka High School Indians to state championships in boys’ basketball. Currently, DiChiara owns and operates SOY Education Associates which assists educators and school districts in providing a quality education for all students.

DiChiara faces a stiff challenge in Congressman Mike Rogers.  Rogers replaced Congressman Bob Riley (R from Ashland) when the Clay County Congressman vacated his seat to run for Governor in 2002.  Rogers is an attorney, a former state Representative, and a former Calhoun County Commissioner.  U.S. Representative Rogers is a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee and is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, which deals with missile defense and nuclear weapons issues.

In 2014, Rogers defeated his GOP primary opponent, Thomas Casson, 50,372 (75.9 percent) to  Casson’s 15,999 (24.1 percent).

Dr. DiChiara said in his statement, “My campaign is focused on harnessing the grassroots power of ordinary citizens who believe in defending our personal freedoms, protecting life, preserving traditional marriage, securing our borders, lowering taxes and guaranteeing our right to bear arms.”

Dr. DiChiara and his wife Gina are the parents of three boys.  They reside in Auburn, Alabama and attend St. Michael’s Catholic Church.

For more information about DiChiara or his campaign visit his website:


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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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