By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Wednesday, October 1, Congressman Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) continued to try to rally Pro-Life forces in the Republican Caucus to “fight to the end” to stop federal funding for Planned Parenthood. To that end Roby on Wednesday introduced special legislation giving Congress one more opportunity in the government funding debate to halt taxpayer funds from going to the nation’s largest abortion provider.
Roby’s legislative maneuver comes as the US Senate this morning passed a temporary government funding bill that stops short of defunding Planned Parenthood, having failed to garner enough votes to attach such an amendment. As the Senate’s funding bill comes before the House, Roby wants to give Congress one more opportunity to immediately halt federal funding for the abortion giant.
Rep. Roby said, “Taxpayer dollars should not flow to the nation’s largest abortion provider, and I’m proud to have fought alongside my fellow pro-life advocates to cut it off. I believe we have one more opportunity to take a stand in that fight in this government funding bill. I understand that so far we have lacked the votes needed in the Senate to pass ‘defund’ language, but I also strongly believe that we have to fight to the end to try.”
Congresswoman Roby continued, “That’s why I am introducing a ‘correction’ bill to re-insert language immediately halting all taxpayer funding from going to Planned Parenthood for the next year as investigations proceed. The language is actually identical to the House-passed ‘defund’ bill sponsored earlier this month by my friend and fellow pro-life advocate Rep. Diane Black (R-TN).”
H. Con. Res. 79 would amend the temporary government funding bill to immediately halt all federal funding to Planned Parenthood for one year as investigations into the organization are carried out. Those funds would instead be directed to the more than 13,000 federally-qualified and rural health centers nationwide that provide primary care to low-income and underserved populations but do not perform abortions.
The Center for Medical Progress has been releasing undercover videos since July that appear to show top Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of pre-born baby organs. Congress is investigating the allegations; but the Justice Department has done nothing to this point.
Rep. Roby has been a leading voice in Congress to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood, but acknowledged that this “last-ditch” legislative maneuver might not succeed, but said it was important to exhaust every opportunity. Roby said in a statement, “I realize this is a last-ditch effort and that the chances of this maneuver succeeding in the Senate are low. But, I want to exhaust every possible option to defund Planned Parenthood in this continuing resolution, and so I’m asking my colleagues in the House and Senate to support the ‘Roby Defund Correction.’”
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) issued a statement on Wednesday. Speaker Boehner said, “Every dollar the government spends should reflect the people’s priorities, especially when it comes to protecting the sanctity of life. That’s why the House has again voted to prevent taxpayer dollars from going to abortion businesses that are trafficking in body parts. Despite widespread outrage at these grisly practices, Senate Democrats continue to force taxpayers to fund organizations that exhibit a fundamental disregard for life. We have already begun to use the reconciliation process to defund these abortion businesses and protect the unborn, with the goal of putting a bill on the president’s desk and forcing him to defend these horrific practices.”
While a growing number of Americans view abortion as murder of pre-born children, the US Supreme Court to this point has continued to disagree.
Congresswoman Martha Roby represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District. She is seeking a fourth term in the United States Congress.