By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, John McMillan, has now publicly stated that he believes Mike Hubbard should step down as Speaker.
In a phone conversation with the Alabama Political Reporter, McMillan, a highly respect Republican said, “I think it is time for him to step down.” Hubbard was charged in October of last year with committing 23 felony counts of public corruption. Hubbard has stubbornly held on to the Speaker’s gavel despite the ever-growing body of evidence making its way into the press.
When pressed for details on why Hubbard should resign his leadership roll, McMillan said, “For all the obvious reasons…with all the problems facing our State, serious issues before the legislature, his legal problem has become a distraction.”
Hundreds of emails have been released by the State’s prosecution in response to Hubbard’s attorney, J. Mark Whites motions. The latest barrage of emails released this week, show Hubbard asking for lobbying jobs, pressuring business leaders for work, and scheming with former Gov. Bob Riley to make tens of thousands of dollars in a potentially illegal sub-contracting deal.
McMillan believes that not only are Hubbard’s legal woes a distraction for those trying to conduct State business, but also a detriment to the ALGOP brand. “There is no way to put a positive spin on it,” said McMillan.
Privately, a growing number of lawmakers are saying Hubbard needs to go, but McMillan is the first statewide elected constitutional officer to go public with the call.