By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, September 18 the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted for H.R. 3134 the Defund Planned Parenthood Act, which would create a moratorium on any funding for Planned Parenthood, as well as H.R. 3504, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which provides greater protection for infants that survive the abortion procedure.
Congressman Gary Palmer (R from Hoover) said in a statement; “The videos by the Center for Medical Progress contain strong evidence that Planned Parenthood is illegally engaged in the sale of body parts from aborted babies.” Palmer said, “These videos provide strong evidence that Planned Parenthood and their affiliates are violating laws aimed at ensuring that every child born alive, including those who survive an abortion procedure, is given all the life saving and life sustaining standard medical care that any other born alive infant would have. Because of this, I support H.R. 3504, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would make failure to help a born alive infant a crime.”
Rep. Palmer also supported H.R. 3134 would, for one year, bar federal funding going to Planned Parenthood unless they certify that the affiliates and clinics will not perform, and will not provide any funds to any other entity that performs, an abortion.
Congressman Mike Rogers (R from Saks) said in a statement, “Today I was proud to stand against state-sponsored abortion by casting my vote to defund Planned Parenthood. This issue speaks to the heart of our nation’s character, where we believe that all life is valuable and God-breathed. Today’s measure is just the first step in restoring the recognized dignity of life, and I will continue to fight for future action to protect the most vulnerable among us.”
Congressman Mo Brooks (R from Huntsville) said in a statement, “Today the House passed legislation to freeze all funding for Planned Parenthood and make that funding available to women’s health clinics across the country that do not perform abortions, as well as a bill that strengthens protections for babies that survive abortion. It is unconscionable that this organization is receiving $500 million dollars of federal funding and the House is working to hold them accountable. Since the release of videos depicting Planned Parenthood senior officials bartering over infant body parts, three House committees have launched investigations into Planned Parenthood’s practices. I urge my Senate colleagues to pass this legislation and force the President, who has threatened a veto, to try and explain to taxpayers why he believes they should fund these despicable acts.”
Congressman Bradley Byrne (R from Montrose) said, “I’m pleased to report that the House today passed H.R. 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015. I was proud to vote in favor of this critical legislation that will help end the horrible practices going on at Planned Parenthood. The casual nature in which the Planned Parenthood officials talk about killing a baby is simply heartbreaking and appalling, and I hope the Senate will act soon on this legislation.”
Congresswoman Martha Roby said, “Breaking: The House has passed our bill to defund Planned Parenthood effective immediately. We also passed a bill to provide further protection for babies who survive a failed abortion. Under this bill, doctors and physicians’ assistants must do everything they can to ensure the child lives.”
Rep. Roby said, “I am proud of the House’s action to stop taxpayer dollars from going to Planned Parenthood and the hundreds of thousands of abortions its physicians perform each year. I hope the Senate will take action on this very important matter and send a bill to the President’s desk soon.”
The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner (R from Ohio) issued the following statement applauding House passage of Rep. Diane Black’s Defund Planned Parenthood Act (H.R. 3134) and Rep. Trent Franks’ Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 3504): “There is a simple reason why President Obama and other Democrats refuse to watch the videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s grisly abortion business and illegal sale of baby body parts: anyone who watches them reflexively knows in their heart that doing these unspeakable things to children just isn’t right.”
The GOP Speaker wrote, “The legislation passed by the House today will ensure these horrific acts are not subsidized with Americans’ tax dollars, and provide more resources to other community health centers while our investigation is ongoing. It will also strengthen protections for babies who survive an abortion and are born alive. It’s beyond shameful that the White House has threatened to veto these reasonable, humane measures. Those who would deny the weakest among us the right to life are on the wrong side of history.”
Even if the Senate passes the legislation, President Barack H. Obama (D) has vowed to veto any legislation defunding Planned Parenthood.