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Aderholt Says Congress Will Be Working Hard When it Returns


By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Tuesday, September 1, US Representative Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) in an email to constituents said, that after the recess, Congress has to vote on President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, and pass a budget by October 1.  Rep. Aderholt also said that he intends on working to defund Planned Parenthood.

Congressman Aderholt wrote, “The day after Labor Day, Congress is scheduled to go back into session.  We have a lot of work to do.  In addition to the 2016 budget, which must be dealt with before October 1st, there is the Iran nuclear deal and the Planned Parenthood controversies to address.”

Rep. Aderholt said, “I am very skeptical of the Iran deal and find it very interesting to see how many prominent Democrats have come out against the President’s deal.”

Congressman Gary Palmer agrees. The Hoover Republican told Birmingham radio host Matt Murphy, “I’ve read the entire Iran Deal. It’s not a deal, it’s a capitulation.”

Rep. Aderholt continued, “Alongside working on this issue, I will also be working to find ways to defund Planned Parenthood.  Like many of you, I was appalled at the recent undercover videos.  I think they highlight what this organization is truly about and that it actually does little to provide women’s healthcare.” 

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On Monday, the Center for Medical Progress released its ninth undercover video investigating the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.  This video suggested that some small pre-children may have been aborted alive and then killed for their marketable body parts. 

The pending Iran nuclear deal would end decades old economic sanctions, turn over $100 billion to the Iranian Government that is being held in US banks, allow Iran to sell oil openly on the world market, and purchase modern weapons system from Russia, China, and other sources.  In exchange, Iran would agree to forgo developing nuclear weapons, but would leave in place most of Iran’s uranium enrichment infrastructure, meaning that they could break out of the treaty at almost any time and develop a bomb, or simply wait for the agreement to expire and then develop a bomb.  It appears as of press time that the President has enough votes in the Senate to block and veto override of his signature diplomatic achievement.

The budget will also be a vexing problem with a $499 billion federal budget deficit, out of control entitlement spending, and an $18.4 trillion national debt which is growing faster than the GDP.  The potential for higher interest rates could balloon the deficit as servicing the debt (even with today’s historically low rates)   Congress has not passed a budget while Barack Obama has been in the Whitehouse, even in his first term when the Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress.

Congressman Robert Aderholt represents Alabama’s Third Congressional District.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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