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Reynolds Addresses Shelby County Republican Women


By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Saturday, August 15, Alabama’s Republican National Committeeman Paul Reynolds spoke to the Republican Women of Shelby County at their regularly scheduled meeting in Pelham.

Vice-President Dawn Ray said that Paul Reynolds grew up on a peanut farm in Butler County. First got involved in Republican politics when he worked by Barry Goldwater’s Republican Presidential campaign in 1964. Reynolds has been a member of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee for 38 years, is in broadcast engineering and owns 97.7 FM. Reynolds presently his serving his second term on the Republican National Committee.

Reynolds said, “I had a good time talking to the Shelby County Party with my cohorts: Cliff Simms and Scott Beason (former State Senator from Gardendale). “My job is primarily to scare people to death. It is really easy.”

paul-reynoldsReynolds said, “There is a fourth branch of government that operates outside of the Constitution,” Federal regulatory agencies. In 1844 Marx and Engels wanted a central government where the national (federal) government made all the decisions on everything.

Reynolds said that in 1890 a group of people got together with similar ideas got together but they didn’t want to do it by rebellion. These were the progressives. They began infiltrating both parties. Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive, so was Woodrow Wilson; but the Constitution gives them problems.

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Reynolds said that Progressivism is steeped in elitism. They believe in an elite class of human beings. They become the social elites. Did everybody see the Hunger Games? Everything there is designed to go to Central City.  For the last 8 to 10 years most of the income growth in this country has been in and around Washington DC.  For years Progressives have plotted to infiltrate education. They had some setbacks and defeats. They couldn’t call Social Security Social in the 1930s because people were so scared of communism.  Social ; socialism; communism.  They called it FICA because there would have been a revolt by the use of the word social.

Reynolds said that it has been a gradual thing; but it set the stage for Obama to come in. 40 years ago the definition of marriage came before the Supreme Court and the Court rejected it as ridiculous today the Supreme Court passes same sex marriage.

Reynolds said that our embracing of pop culture is one thing we are fighting. Government is becoming a reflection of pop culture. Pop culture today is the exact opposite of what you grew up with.

The second thing is political correctness. Nobody wants to be ridiculed. Political candidates hold back the rhetoric to keep back from being politically incorrect. “We need somebody who can break the ice who can say this is what is wrong and this is what has to be done to address it.”

Reynolds said that there is a new regulation every two hours there are now over a million federal regulations and over 435 federal regulatory agencies. Regulations have the same weight as law.  It is not a legislative problem. The executive agency has to put it into practice.

Reynolds warned there is one thing that is central to communism: there is always a central planning committee. One of the biggest problem they had in Russia in the Soviet era was a shortage of food. They could grow food but they could never plan well enough to get the truck where they needed to be to get the food to where the people needed it. Central planning just doesn’t work.

The conservative Republican National Committeeman said, “There needs to be no education department. They are the biggest proponent of common core. Do we need a transportation department? Block grant the money to the states. Reynolds said that he liked Gov. Perry’s message about state rights the last time he ran.

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Reynolds warned that the news media decided in the Johnson Administration that they could really change the flavor of a story. Shading it in such a way as to lead the public to a predetermined position: the role of the gatekeeper. The New York Times pioneered that. We had an officer get beaten near to death here in Birmingham.  NBC, CBS, ABC did not report on it because it did not fit their narrative. It was reported only online with conservative blogs and by And Fox News. A White Cop being beaten dd not fit their stereotype.

Reynolds said that the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946 created a system of regulatory agencies. It was opposed by Republicans because it would create a path for a dictator, a central planning committee, a fourth branch of government. To prevent that a separation between the White House and the government agency was created. Once an agency was appointed it was an independent agency. Then we got Obama and he said, “I am going to redo the way that America does business.” The FCC said there was a real problem with the internet. They said there was a problem and what we are going to do is regulate it as a utility so it is fair to everybody. What is wrong with the free market?  Obama called FCC head Wheeler and they formulated net neutrality laws in the White House. That was blatantly illegal.

Reynolds said that he was in a conference call in 2008 with Dr. James Dobson (before he left Focus on the Family) and Dobson said, “Every national election we make this statement this is the most important election we have ever had. That is because it is the most important election we have ever had.”

Reynolds said that the RNC as far as I know there have been no deals and no plans behind the scenes for or against any candidate. “Reince did call Trump and ask him to hold back on some of his rhetoric. There is nothing wrong with that.”

Reynolds said that you can argue against Trump for his methods not his message. “His message by and large is good. He is bringing issues to the forefront that other candidates were afraid to address because of political correctness.” Reynolds said however, “I draw up every time he opens his mouth because I don’t know what is coming out of his mouth.” “He is making candidates I do like, like Scott walker and Ted Cruz speak up on issues.”

Reynolds warned that, “The way you bring a free enterprise system down is to overload it with more people on Medicare and more people on the dole slowing it down. That is where we are…This is the most important election ever.”

On Common Core Reynolds warned that it is all woven together in the Progressive Agenda. There are a lot of things that go under the category of common sense and common core does not fit under common sense.”

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The RNC member said that Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have angered a lot of people, but that, “Two people are not the Republican Party. The party is the RNC, the NRCC, the NRSC, and the White House effort.” “The heart of the Republican party is the RNC. They didn’t do what they were elected to do,” referring to John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. We are not just the administrator we are the policy setter. Every four years we set the platform at the Republican convention.

Reynolds said that the way we select our members of the delegation that go to the convention is popular vote under the name of the presidential candidate. Alabama has 51 delegates to the convention and three super delegates. That group elects the man and the woman for rules and for the platform committee. That is very important.

Reynolds warned, “The battle this time will be to change the platform on traditional marriage and the role of gay and lesbians.”

Vice-President Dawn Ray said that the Rainy Day Patriots would meet on Thursday, August 20th at Hoover Tactical Firearms from 5:45 to 7:45. The guest speaker will be Dr. Hugh Cort, the author of America’s Hiroshima: Iran’s Plan for a Nuclear Attack on the United States.

Ray said that Dr. Cort is going to talk about ISIS and this deal with IRAN.

Paul Reynolds warned that at Saturday’s Summer Alabama Republican Party Meeting there would likely be an effort to remove the Alabama Federation of Republican Women (AFRW) vote from the state steering committee. The Shelby County Republican Women are a chapter of the AFRW.  There is a good possibility that it is going to come from the floor.

Francis Taylor said that the effort was to remove four groups from the ALGOP Steering Committee: The Young Republican Federation of Alabama; The College Republican Federation of Alabama, The Alabama Minority GOP, and the AFRW.

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Reynolds warned “There is a movement that is out there and you need to be aware of it.”

VP Ray said that the group had a new website:

President Dee Shirley said that the speaker at the August 22 summer luncheon would be Republican Presidential candidate Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. The Republican Women of Shelby County had been asked to provide volunteers to help the Alabama Republican Party at the event.

The group voted to contribute $25 to a scholarship fund honoring former AFRW President Elois Zeanah who recently died from cancer.  President Shirley, “Was a very dear person.” She head the Tuscaloosa chapter.  “Elois was just a dynamo.” She fought against Common Core and illegal immigration.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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