By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Thursday, August 13, Alabama’s Secretary of Information Technology, Brunson White, will speak to the Greater Birmingham Young Republicans at their regularly scheduled meeting at Sidebar, in the Lakeview section of Birmingham, conveniently located off US Highway 280 near St. Vincent’s Hospital.
The social begins at 6:00 pm, and the formal meeting begins at 6:30 pm.
GBYR Chairwoman Jackie Curtiss said in a statement:
“Please join us for our regular monthly meeting of the GBYRs. This month we will hear remarks from Alabama’s Secretary of Information Technology, Brunson White. Mr. White was appointed as the first IT Secretary in April of 2015, by Governor Bentley. In this role, he is tasked with streamlining the State’s information technology, and improving efficiency across State government.”
Later in the month, the GBYRs will hold their annual GBYR 2015 Summer Luncheon on Thursday, August 20. This year’s luncheon speaker will be US Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama).
The Shelby luncheon will be from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at The Club, 1 Robert S. Smith Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35209.
Senator Shelby is Alabama’s senior US Senator who is seeking re-election next year. He will be facing prominent marijuana advocate, Ron Crumpton (D).
Sen. Shelby was first elected to the Senate in 1986. He had previously served Alabama in the US House of Representatives and in the Alabama legislature. He is a resident of Tuscaloosa. Holding the seat will be essential for the GOP goal of maintaining control of the US Senate next year.
The luncheon is free for all active GBYR members.
Tickets for non-members can be purchased for $25.00. Due to limited seating you must RSVP Chair Jackie Curtiss at if you plan to attend, or if you just want more information about the GBYRs.
The GBYRs hosted a packed Republican Presidential Debate “Watch Party” at Sidebar on August 6. Over 200 people crowded Sidebar to hear the top ten GOP Presidential contenders debate, and for fellowship with their fellow young Republicans.
At the Young Republican National Convention on August 1, the Greater Birmingham Young Republicans were voted the top Young Republican Club in the entire country.
In addition to chairing the YR club in Birmingham, Curtiss is also the Chair of the State of Alabama Young Republican Federation, and holds a seat on the Alabama Republican Party Steering Committee.