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Palmer Calls Trump a Megalomaniac


By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

US Representative Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) spoke to a crowd of 38 members of the Republican Women of Shelby County (RWSC) on Saturday, July 18.  While Congressman Palmer did not get into which Republican Presidential candidate he preferred, he did blast GOP Primary contender Donald Trump, the billionaire developer/television star from New Jersey, as a megalomaniac.

Rep. Palmer first asked the group: Do any of you support Donald Trump?  No one raised their hands.

Palmer said, “I am not for Donald Trump.”

In response to questions about Trump from the audience, Palmer said, “I think he is a Megalomaniac.  That worries me.”  Palmer said that is why he thought that Trump, “Would make a terrible president.”

The Conservative Alabama Congressman took exception to remarks where Trump called Congress stupid.  There are some very smart members in my caucus, Palmer said. 

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Palmer did say that, “I think he is a smart guy,” and that he did not like the way that corporate America has responded to Donald Trump.  “Trump told us what he might really do,” if elected President.  “I am glad he said what he did because that informs my vote.” 

Palmer said that the First Amendment protects citizens to say things that are critical about the Government.  That was one reason for the Revolution.  If you were critical of the crown, they would send some people to visit you.  You were not allowed to do that. 

Palmer said, “What is going on now is censorship of political speech by corporate America. We want these people to say exactly what they believe so it informs our vote.” 

Trump, meanwhile, has been getting blasted for recent remarks about Republican Arizona Senator John McCain’s war service, Trump told 3,000 conservatives of McCain, “He’s not a war hero…He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”

The two men have been in a war of words over the last week, Trump said on social media; “I am not a fan of John McCain because he has done so little for our Veterans and he should know better than anybody what the Veterans need, especially in regards to the VA. He is yet another all talk, no action politician, who spends too much time on television and not enough time doing his job and helping the Vets. He is also allowing our military to decrease substantially in size and strength, something which should never be allowed to happen.”

Trump continued, “Furthermore, he was extremely disrespectful to the thousands upon thousands of people, many of whom happen to be his constituents, that came to listen to me speak about illegal immigration in Phoenix last week by calling them ‘crazies.’ These were not ‘crazies’—these were great American citizens.  I have great respect for all those who serve in our military including those that weren’t captured and are also heroes…I want to strengthen our military and take care of our Veterans. I want to make America great again, especially for those that serve to protect our freedom. I am fighting for our Veterans!”

On Saturday, former Republican Texas Governor and 2016 Presidential candidate Rick Perry said, “Donald J. Trump’s reprehensible comments today about John McCain’s POW service make him unfit to be Commander-in-Chief & he should immediately withdraw from the presidential race.”

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South Carolina Senator and 2016 Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham said, “Senator John McCain, like every other POW, went through hell and has earned our respect and gratitude. If there was ever any doubt that Donald Trump should not be our Commander in Chief, this stupid statement should end all doubt. If there was ever any doubt that he should not be ?#?GOP standard bearer, his growing mountain of stupid statements should end all doubt.  At the heart of Donald Trump’s statement is a lack of respect for those who have served – a disqualifying characteristic to be president.” 

Both McCain’s father and grandfather were famous US Navy admirals with extensive roles in World War II.  McCain’s family has served in the Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War (with the Confederacy).  Sen. John McCain was a naval aviator whose Navy A4E Skyhawk was shot down by a Soviet made SA-2 surface to air missile while attacking a power plant in Hanoi on his 23rd combat sortie.  The young pilot broke both arms and a leg in the crash.  McCain spent five and a half years in captivity by the North Vietnamese, who treated American POWs very harshly.

Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus has previously asked Trump in a meeting to tone down some of his rhetoric for fear that it might drive away some voters away from the Republican Party.

The Republican Women of Shelby County met for a picnic in Hoover’s Veterans Park.

Congressman Gary Palmer represents Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District.  This is his first term in the United States Congress.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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