Staff Report
WASHINGTON–The High School Democrats of America met over the past week in Washington, DC to elect their leadership for the upcoming school year. Their five-member executive board will be led by Jordan Cozby, a rising star, and senior at Bob Jones High School in Madison, Ala.
“This organization has undergone tremendous growth over the past year, and I’m honored that students across the nation have chosen this great team to continue its progress leading into a critical election year,” Cozby said.
The High School Democrats of America consists of over 500 chapters across the country that work together to advocate for progressive policies and elect Democrats on all levels.
Students met in Washington, DC for a strategic summit, an opportunity to learn about the political process and activate their peers to make a difference in local communities, state governments, and national issues.
“Our biggest goal is to ensure new students are getting involved in the Democratic Party and taking its values into their communities. We understand that building the bench for future elections will be critical to a viable and successful Democratic Party, and we know that starts with young people taking the lead,” Cozby said.
Trenton Thornburg of Oklahoma is the organization’s outgoing chair, and he says he has “full confidence” in Cozby’s leadership.
“When you grow an organization of this caliber, you always want to be looking at who takes the reins when you move on—I couldn’t imagine a more capable, passionate and energetic leader than Jordan,” Thornburg said.
The five-member executive board will also include Liana Wang of Texas as executive vice president, Sedalia Mahlum of North Dakota as programs director, Hattie Seton of South Dakota as communication director and Logan Arkema of Michigan as development director.
The High School Democrats of America are an independent youth advocacy group and are not affiliated with the Democratic National Committee or the Young Democrats of America. For more information about the High School Democrats of America, please visit their website at