By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Saturday June 27, a rally is scheduled to be held in Montgomery to protest the removal of the Confederate flags from Confederate memorials in Montgomery on the sole authority of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R).
Karl Andreas Bodenheimer wrote on Facebook, “This Saturday Rain or Shine (no not that kind of shine) Anyone and everyone is invited to a Confederate Celebration at the Alabama Capitol Steps at 10am. Bring your Ancestors Regimental Flags and prepare to share your stories of the history of your town and Alabama. It’s time that WE the PEOPLE get across to these Politically Correct CROWS that WE know the truth and we WILL CELEBRATE whether they like it or not! See you there!!”
Now that Gov. Bentley has removed the flags there has been a lot of criticism of the Governor.
State Auditor Jim Zeigler (R) said on Facebook, “Where will this stop? Will they remove the confederate monuments? Close the First White House of the Confederacy? Pull up the gold star on which Jefferson Davis was inaugurated President of the Confederacy? This simplistic action does nothing to stop evil mass murderers. All Gov. Bentley has done is to act like he was doing something. He and his advisers are making themselves feel better. This is not leadership but reactive posturing.”
Alabama State Senator Clay Scofield (R-Arab) said, “Today, the Governor removed a flag from the Capitol grounds that stood proudly above a Veteran’s monument. A monument to men, and yes, women also, who fought, bled, and died in battle. The monument doesn’t represent hate. It definitely doesn’t represent a sick, twisted coward that goes into a church full of love and kills good, innocent people. It represents our history and that can’t be changed. It represents veterans and they should be honored.”
Former State Senator John Rice (R) wrote on Facebook, “Governor Bentley said WHAT? about the flag? He was too busy raising taxes? What planet is he on. He has told me on numerous occasions that he opposed common core. But he has done nothing. Is he too busy raising taxes to protect our children? Seriously, what planet is he on?”
In response to requests by constituents online: State Representative Ed Henry (R-Hartselle) wrote: “I haven’t heard otherwise but as the Chief Executive of the State he likely has the ability to make those kinds of executive decisions. Very disappointing!”
Rep. Henry said, “This is right in line with his current behavior to raise taxes. I’m getting numerous calls and emails to pass recall legislation to allow the people of Alabama the opportunity to kick him out of office. Keep up the pressure all of us need to hear how you all feel.”
State Rep. Ken Johnson (R) answered, “Rickey, from what I understand, I would agree with Ed. He probably has ability to make an executive action related to the capital like that. I would bet he confirmed that with his legal adviser before taking action. Surprised me.”
The President of Alabama Flaggers, Daniel Williamson wrote in a letter to his membership, “Dear Alabama Flaggers and Confederates, Message from the President of the Alabama Flaggers we are going to be corralling for the biggest confederate event for the south we are are hitting every single state Flagging Charleston South Carolina, Flagging Tennessee about the Bronze Bust, Flagging Walmarts, Flagging Gadsden Over the Emma Sansom Monument and General Forrest. Stopping the Tyranny in General this is the Main Event page and Command Post. Its time to Quit fighting and come together. We don’t want to lead it we want to be a part of it. We are all going to come together so far we have joined with Tennessee Confederate Army and a group in Kentucky. they have 50 members and the Tennessee confederate army has over 700 members. The flagger group itself has over 150 members plus bikers. I want to let everyone know this and we will update you as soon as we know anything. God bless you all and may God bless our South and our Confederate Battle Flag.” The group has announced their participation in the Saturday event.
The Alabama Flaggers also reported that, “The Emma Sansom plaque and pole has been vandalized in Gadsden Alabama we are filing a police report as we speak waiting on the police.” Emma Samson as a 15 year old girl who during the Civil War helped CSA General Nathan Bedford Forest find a place for his army to cross the Coosa River while under enemy fire.
The Southern Historical Society announced: “26,000 Likes 1,000 likes in two hours? Absolutely!
We would like to welcome the latest wave of “likers” to our page! Thank you for taking the time to visit. 24 hours ago we announced that we had reached 18,000 likes. Well, here we are one hundred and twenty minutes later announcing that that number has climbed to over 19,000! Now more than ever we need Southerners with backbones to defend the gift God gave them, a rich and honorable Confederate heritage. Just in the past week alone we have seen our monuments defaced, ignorant minded people burning our flag, attempts from those in executive and legislative positions in our state governments to remove our monuments, flags, and even try to molest our current state flags. Will you defend your ancestors? Will you join the fight to protect the memory of our fallen soldiers? If you see falsehoods written about our courageous ancestors written in your local paper, write a letter to the editor. If you see state politicians trying to erase our history, call their office and give them a history lesson. If you see our monuments altered, defaced, or under a threat of removal…. flag ’em! We will no longer sit idly by while a real cultural genocide is being executed. For those new to the page, we write about historical topics in defense of our gallant ancestors, prove them with primary sources, and post them daily. We welcome all who are new to our page and again we sincerely thank you. God Save The South! The Administrators of Southern Historical Society”
The Confederate flag rally is Saturday, June 27 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at 600 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery, AL.
Organizer Sherri Lowery Weaver said, “We will be meeting up with the Sons of Confederate Veterans at the Capitol, as well as many other supporters. We have permits to hold our protest/rally there from 10:00-1:00. I hope to see you all there. We are supposed to have massive media coverage too.” “Please share this event to all of your friends. The more that show up the better it will be. We have to take a stand. If it’s not the flag then it will be something else. You can’t just sit around & complain and expect anything to get done.”
There are also reports that a counter protest could also take place that day.