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Planned Parenthood Rallies to Stop Pro-Life Legislation

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Wednesday, May 20, Planned Parenthood led dozens of protestors in front of the Alabama State Capital to protest pending Pro-Life legislation being considered by the Alabama legislature.   

Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Helen Cox wrote in a statement, “Since the Alabama legislative session began in mid-March, the attack on Alabama’s women and families has been relentless. Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates is fighting back alongside supporters, volunteers, and partners to ensure their voices are heard.”

Nikema Williams, Vice President of Public Policy for Planned Parenthood Southeast emceed the rally.

Cox wrote, “The three bills that have women fired up across the state include HB405: The Abortion Ban Bill, HB 527: The Abortion Clinic Closure Bill, and HB 491: The Health Care Refusal Bill. Rally speakers and participants are coming out on Wednesday to tell legislators that these bills are wrong for Alabama and wrong for women.” 

State Representative Mack Butler (R-Rainbow City) said on Facebook, “Today as many days there was a protest at your State House. The ACLU and Planned Parenthood (largest provider of abortion) were protesting Pro-Life bills. These people were proudly fighting for the purpose to murder children. I love to see people lobbying for wholesome purposes but these two groups sicken me. Celebrate Life and Pray for our Nation!”

Alabama Citizens for Life Spokeswoman Cheryl Ciamarra told the Alabama Political Reporter, “Alabama citizens for life would like to see a ban on dismemberment abortions like Kansas signed into law, a limit on licensing abortion providers within 2000 feet of schools (many fear ACA will lead to Planned Parenthood eventually running clinics inside schools in Alabama) and a total ban on any type of abortions if fetal heartbeat can be detected: HB405.”

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Vice President Nikema Willaims said in a written statement, “Already this session we have seen an onslaught of bills that could hinder a woman’s ability to get the care she needs, and Alabama legislators show no sign of stopping the assault now.”

HB405, The fetal heart beat bill, would outlaw abortions if the pregnancy is far enough along that a fetal heart beat can be detected.

Planned Parenthood claims that could be as early as 4 to 6 weeks, before a woman may even know she’s pregnant.

HB527, sponsored by Rep. Ed Henry (R-Hartselle) would prevent abortions from being performed within a health center that lies within 2,000 feet of a public school, including colleges and universities.

HB491, would protect health care professionals from being forced to perform procedures like abortion, sterilizations, and human cloning that violate their conscience and/or religious beliefs.

Alabama Citizens for Life wrote on their web site, “3 Excellent Pro-Life Bills in Alabama Need Votes on House Floor ASAP to have time for passage into Law this Legislative Session.

HB491 Health Care Rights of Conscience Act – Provide workers the right to refuse to perform or participate in life endeding services including abortion, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research without risk of loosing their job.

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HB527 Prevent AL Dept.of Pub Health from liscensing abortuaries within 2,000 Feet of a K-12 Public School

HB405 Alabama Fetal heartbeat Act Ban abortions on pregnant women after a heartbeat has been detected.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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