By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, April 14, 2015, the U.S. House of Representatives voted for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act: HR1191, known as the Corker-Cardin bill. HR1191 would give Congress a role in any deal with Iran.
US Representative Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) noted in a statement that Iran is the foremost State sponsor of terrorism in the world. Rep. Palmer said, “I am deeply concerned about the Administration’s pending deal with Iran. I have no faith that Iran will abide by any agreement. The limited details of the agreement the Administration is negotiating that have been announced so far indicate that the deal is does not achieve the goal of ending Iran’s nuclear program.”
Congressman Palmer said, “It is unfortunate that the process by which this bill was considered did not allow for committee consideration or opportunities to propose amendments. I believe Congress should have a much stronger role in any deal with Iran. The President should understand that we will have an opportunity to disapprove of any deal he would make and I hope Congress will act on the disapproval authority should the deal come out in a manner that is harmful to America and our allies.”
The Speaker of the House, Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) also released a statement applauding House passage of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, HR1191.
Speaker Boehner said, “Iran cannot be allowed to develop or obtain nuclear weapons. It is committed to the destruction of our ally Israel, continues to hold Americans hostage, and is feverishly working to support the spread of terrorism and promote instability in the region. So President Obama’s admission that his current framework would allow Iran to achieve a nuclear breakout time ‘almost down to zero’ is more than extremely troubling – it’s unacceptable.”
Speaker Boehner continued, “This is why Congress must have a role in reviewing any potential deal the President cuts with Iran. The American people are worried – and America’s allies are worried – that the White House will do anything to get one. So my colleagues and I have one goal: stop a bad deal. The bipartisan legislation the House passed today is the only way Congress will have that opportunity.”
HR1191 would allow for a 60 day review period before any of the congressionally passed sanctions are lifted. Currently, the President has unilateral authority to lift sanctions without any review. The bill also allows for Congress to pass a resolution of disapproval. Since President Obama can veto any such resolution it would take a two-thirds vote of Congress to actually stop the President from lifting current sanctions. A separate, affirmative vote by Congress would be needed to make any agreement that would be binding for any future President.
The measure was passed by majorities of both political parties 400 to 25.
Congressman Gary Palmer represents Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District.