MONTGOMERY—The State’s most watched political news show, The Voice of Alabama Politics, has moved from its Sunday morning time on ABC, to Sunday evening on Alabama Cable Network.
The V can now be seen every Sunday at 6:30 PM on Charter Cable channel 80, as well as every Sunday morning on YouTube.
“While we are excited to ad the over 500,000 viewers on Alabama Cable Network, we are saddened to move from the ABC affiliates,” said show host, Bill Britt.
“Our State is in a time of political crisis due to the leadership of Speaker Mike Hubbard, who is charged by the State with 23 felony counts of public corruption,” said Britt. “Speaker Hubbard has used his considerable political influence to warn people off of advertising on our show because he wants to muzzle anyone who will report or speak about his leadership.”
Britt says that he and The V team will continue to inform, educate, entertain and alert viewers with an unvarnished and unrelenting analysis of State affairs, despite this small setback.
“We are determined to let the people of the State hear and see the truth without the filter of fear or political correctness. As it has been known for millennia, for evil to prosper, it only requires that good people do nothing.”
Britt has confidence The V will return to its Sunday morning time, as soon as more advertisers are found.
“We are happy to be a part of Alabama Cable Network, and plan to return to broadcast stations in the near future.”
“I guess we have to say to Hubbard and those who would see us silenced, the rumors of our demise are greatly exaggerated.”
Catch The Voice of Alabama Politics, now, every Sunday at 6:30PM on channel 80 on your Charter Cable.