By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Thursday, April 9, Alabama Republican Party chairwoman, Terry Lathan warned against complacency. She asked party members to submit questions to the Alabama GOP that they could pose to the visiting Republican Presidential candidates, in preparation for the important 2016 Presidential Primaries. Lathan urged Republicans to, “Keep their Eyes on the Prize.”
Chairwoman Lathan wrote, “Taking our eye off of our responsibilities because of feeling a bit comfortable and thinking that everything is all right is exactly the opposite of guarding what we have. Let a championship team slack off on practice and watch them slip back. Take your eyes off a little one for a few minutes and gamble with chaos. Assume your job is safe and secure and any extra work isn’t needed. The false security of complacency can have uncomfortable consequences.”
The Republican Chair wrote, “In the political world, thinking that being in the reddest conservative state means we can sit back and cruise some is a sure formula for losing our foothold as the dominant political Party in Alabama. Taking voters and their trust in us for granted is a way to feed complacency. We must never let up on our quest to guard our gains and to add to them.”
Lathan warned, “We must not take our eyes off of our conservative principles. As we make our way into a very important election year, where we have the opportunity to elect a Republican president for America and make Alabama even stronger with our GOP team, may we be diligent and bold in keeping our eyes on the prize of electing conservative Republicans. Complacency has no place in our mission and we should reject it with our hard work and our determination to keep our eyes on the ultimate prize – conservative Republican victories.”
Lathan said, “We will be soon announcing some national Republican leaders and possible Presidential candidates that will be calling into Alabama to speak to members of the Alabama Republican Party, GOP elected officials and members of our County Committees and grassroots teams. We will be asking for your questions to share with the guests on the phone. This will save them time and money to come to Alabama when their schedules do not allow, for now at least, and gives them an opportunity to reach out to us. Get ready for ringing good calls! More to come.”
Lathan said that she spent April 1-2 in Montgomery with lawmakers at the Alabama Federation of Republican Women event in Montgomery. Lathan said, “Frances Taylor and her team had a great lineup of speakers. We had a lovely breakfast with First Lady Dianne Bentley before the ladies of the ‘red wave’ visited in the State House. We appreciated the warm welcome from the Alabama Senate as we watched important legislation being debated. These ladies love Alabama and America and they show it by spending their time, funds and hard work to be a part of the process.”
Chairwoman Lathan is the Second woman to be elected Chair of the Alabama Republican Women. Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh, who is currently the President of the Alabama Public Service Commission, was the first.