By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
In politics, most often a coincidence is just a plan that you have yet to figure out.
Around six week ago, a systematic attack was launched against Governor Robert Bentley.
To weaken his popularity before the October trial of Speaker Mike Hubbard.
On internet news blogs, radio talk shows, and in the whispered rumors shared between lobbyists, legislators and political operatives, Bentley has been maligned as a tax-and-spend turncoat, a liberal and a Democrat. Soon, if the plot goes unexposed and not thwarted, you can bet the assaults will turn more virulent and nasty.
Stonewall Jackson, who many believe to be the greatest fighting general in history, is reported to have said, “When war comes, you must draw the sword and throw away the scabbard.”
Hubbard has been charged by the people of Alabama with 23 felon counts of public corruption.
Several of the crimes of which he is accused relate to meetings held with the Governor. Unbeknownst to Bentley, when Hubbard met with him on several economic development opportunities, he was actually being paid to represent a specific company. This is a serious violation of State Ethics law, and is a felony punishable by fine and imprisonment.
It is most likely that Bentley will testify against Hubbard in his criminal trial. And it is also likely that he will be the star witness or the silver bullet, if you will.
In most criminal trials, the jury has no idea who the witnesses are when they take the stand. During testimony and cross-examination, the jurors form an opinion of the witness. Are they of good character, believable, honest, and sincere, or are they shifty, unreliable, and of low morals? The prosecution and defense will try to paint each witness in a light that best suits their case.
However, when Bentley takes the stand, the jurors will have already formed their opinion, and it is favorable.
Bentley is genuine, kind, sincere and more beloved than any governor in recent memory. And what is even more compelling, is his honesty.
This is why Hubbard and his minions seized on his tax plan as the first line of attack. From there, they enlisted their bootlicking sycophants in the media to do the frontal assault, while paid lobbyists and political operatives have worked in the shadows to bite and rip the most trustworthy man in the State.
Hubbard’s plan will not work, but it should be unmasked and stopped for the good of the people and the government as a whole.
Former Governor Bob Riley said to Hubbard, “You can be Governor or you can be rich you can’t be both,” but Hubbard didn’t heed his mentor’s warning.
Because he is a greedy, little man who thinks he’s above the law.
He has scoffed at Bentley as an accidental Governor. He has belittled him time and again. In return, the Governor has shown kindness and restraint, moving patiently toward his own goals for the betterment of the State.
Hubbard’s men have tried on several occasions to persuade Bentley to bend the law to derail the case against him. Bentley did not yield to the money or the pressure.
Hubbard is a weak man of low morals. Bentley is the polar opposite. Hubbard hates him for this and wants to destroy him.
Hubbard thinks he is special man; a leader; a political giant. In fact, he is none of these things. He is as common as a thief, a bully and a cheat. He embodies everything that is wrong with politics and why people distrust their governments.
He needs to destroy the character of Robert Bentley to save his worthless neck.
Bentley is my governor and he is a good man. I for one will not stand idly by and watch Hubbard try to shame him.
My scabbard is now hurled to the ground and my knee will never be bent to sheath my sword, which is my pen.
Hubbard’s attacks on the Governor have nothing to do with taxes, ideology or character. It’s all a plot for Hubbard to win in October, and that’s no coincidence.