By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Wednesday, February 11, the Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party, Bill Armistead, warned that the United States and Alabama will face God’s wrath, if we embrace and condone the things that are abhorrent to God, such as same-sex marriage.
Chairman Armistead is the original sponsor of the now controversial, “Alabama Marriage Protection Act,” which has been declared unconstitutional by US District Court Judge Callie Granade. The State has appealed.
Chairman Armistead wrote, “When I served in the State Senate (1994-2002) I was concerned that the debate over same-sex marriage would eventually come to Alabama. Therefore, in 1998, I sponsored a new law known as the “Alabama Marriage Protection Act” that defined marriage as “a sacred covenant, solemnized between a man and a woman.” It also states that “no marriage license shall be issued in the State of Alabama to parties of the same-sex.” This act became law in 1998 and, in 2006, this definition of marriage was inserted in Alabama’s constitution after voters went to the polls and approved it by a margin of 81 percent.”
The conservative head of the Alabama Republican Party wrote, “One of the basic truths that was revealed in the oldest of Scriptures is found in Genesis 1:27 where God created a man – Adam – and a woman – Eve. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Scripture then teaches that “a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). This is God’s word. This is God’s truth.”
Chairman Armistead wrote, “So, how is it that God’s truth can be turned on its head as the debate now rages in Alabama regarding the meaning of marriage? The answer is, that we, as a society, have become our own god. We have made God in our image. But, God will not be mocked. The State of Alabama and the United States of America will reap God’s wrath if we embrace and condone things that are abhorrent to God, such as redefining marriage as anything other than a union between one man and one woman.”
Armistead who has just returned from a week in the Holy Land wrote, “God’s word never changes. What He proclaimed thousands of years ago as truth is still truth in the eyes of true believers.” US law as written by America’s federal judges can change quite rapidly.
Chairman Armisted wrote, “We now find ourselves embroiled in a legal battle here in Alabama concerning the definition of marriage because one appointed federal judge has ordered that a marriage certificate be given to two women who want to be married. The state has appealed the ruling all the way up to the US Supreme Court seeking a stay in the case so that more clarity can be given to officials in the state regarding the issuing of marriage certificates. Unfortunately, the US Supreme Court refused to issue a stay in the case.”
Armistead called Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore (R), “a staunch defender of Alabama’s Constitution” but was critical of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) writing, “Bentley’s statements indicate he is more concerned with how the state might be perceived if we defend our constitution.”
Armistead said, “God’s word never changes, and neither should our defense of His truths. Though we are being tested, we will stand true to our principles and fight for the rights of the states. I thank those elected officials who are standing with us to defend those truths we hold on high.”
Chairman Armistead is not seeking another term as Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party.
On Saturday, February 21, the Alabama Republican Executive Committee will vote on a new Chairman at the Party’s Winter Meeting in Montgomery. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) will speak to the GOP faithful at the Party’s Winter Dinner on Friday, February 20.
The US Supreme Court will likely decide the same-sex marriage issue once and for all in June, 2015.