By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Thursday, January 22, tens of thousands of marchers (including many from Alabama) were in Washington DC to protest what they believe is the ongoing slaughter of millions of unborn American children. US Representative Gary Palmer and Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead released statements on the annual March for Life event in Washington DC and the House passage of legislation to make the federal funding of abortions illegal.
Congressman Gary Palmer said in a written statement, “I welcome those who have traveled from Alabama and across the country in this peaceful protest. Today I join the chorus of those who have come to march knowing that the right to life is sacred.”
Also on Thursday the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2015” in a mostly partisan 242-179 vote. Three Democrats vote for the legislation and only one Republican voted against it. All six of Alabama’s Republican representatives voted for the bill.
ALGOP Chairman Bill Armistead said in a written statement, “I thank God that the US House of Representatives has taken a strong stand against federal funding of abortions and I thank Alabama’s Republican delegation in Washington for standing on the side of life on behalf of the unborn. It is now incumbent upon Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring this bill up for a vote in the Senate, to ensure our tax dollars are not being used to take the lives of the unborn.”
Rep. Palmer said, “The right to life is fundamental to everything I believe. The Declaration of Independence states that all people have certain unalienable rights, including the right to life. ‘Unalienable’ means that the right is not given to us by government, but is a natural right granted by God. Without life, no other right matters. I am proud to stand with those who believe that the Supreme Court’s tragic 1973 ruling should not go unchallenged.”
This year’s March for Life rally marks the 42nd anniversary of the controversial Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which ruled that there was a constitutional right to abortion-on-demand. Since 1973 thousands of peaceful protesters have demonstrated annually in what is the largest pro-life event in the world.
Chairman Armistead said, “Almost every politician I know ends their speeches with ‘God Bless America’, but how long can we expect His blessing when we are murdering approximately 1.2 million unborn babies each year? If we truly want God’s blessing on our country, we need to repent of our sin of taking the lives of these children yet to be born – future Governors, Senators and Presidents – and embrace life for all, born and unborn.”
Rep. Palmer said, “There has been significant progress in the pro-life movement in recent years, but our work is incomplete. In our history, there have been others who have marched for basic human rights in America. They also faced long odds, but they persevered, and ultimately, they prevailed. I am committed to stand for the unborn.”
Chairman Armistead said, “It was 27 years ago this week – January 25, 1988 – that the much-loved Republican President, Ronald Reagan, made this statement in his State of the Union Address about life and federal funding of abortion: ‘medical evidence confirms the unborn child is a living human being entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let us unite as a nation and protect the unborn with legislation that would stop all Federal funding for abortion’. Almost three decades have passed since President Reagan spoke out against federal funding of abortion. Now that Republicans control both the House and Senate, it is time to codify Reagan’s admonition.”
Rep. Palmer said, “The March for Life is proof that the fervor of good-hearted Americans to protect the unborn has not abated over the years. I am heartened that there are so many people from all over the country who choose to come to Washington to participate in the march, and I applaud their efforts.”
The bill, H.R. 7, bans taxpayer funding for abortion through Obamacare. According to information provided by Chairman Armistead’s office, even though President Obama claims that says abortions are not being funded through Obamacare, the General Accounting Office (GAO) has issued a report which confirms that federal tax dollars are being used to subsidize abortions in 1,036 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act health plans. Some health insurance plans provide abortion coverage and many lower income Americans receive federal subsidies for their health insurance plan, which in some cases provide the controversial abortion coverage.
A defiant President Barack H. Obama has vowed to veto the bill if it reaches his desk.
Congressman Gary Palmer represents Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District. Chairman Bill Armistead is to stepping down as Chairman of the Alabama GOP at the end of his term next month.