By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Wednesday, October 22, the Speaker of the Alabama Mike Hubbard (R from Auburn) released a letter to the people of Lee County defending his record, attacking prosecutors, and vowing to vigorously fight what he called, “false charges.”
The embattled Speaker wrote:
“Dear Friends: By now, you may have heard about the accusations that have been made against me. I will vigorously fight these false charges through the justice system and am confident that I will prevail. It is important for you to know that I have never misused my office or abused your trust. I consider it a privilege and sacred duty to represent you in the Legislature and to rise through the ranks of leadership where I am able to make significant changes – not for my benefit – but for the benefit of our community and state has been an honor.”
Ironically, Rep. Hubbard said that strength new State ethics laws passed almost immediately after he was elected Speaker is what he did that, “Angered many powerful, entrenched interests.”
Hubbard said that he has, “Been the target of a political witch hunt,” led by, “A rogue prosecutor,” who has, “Abused his power.” Hubbard said that Matt Hart (while never naming him) did the same thing to former Attorney General Troy King (R).
Hubbard suggests that Hart used leaks and rumors to ultimately defeat Troy King. In Hubbard’s case that strategy failed, “So this prosecutor has gone a step further by bringing charges against me.”
Speaker Hubbard said that the silver lining is that previously he, “Could not defend myself against innuendo and leaks but now, I can…and I will.”
Rep. Hubbard wrote, “The basis for these false accusations is the business I built before ever seeking or holding an elected office. Auburn Network, Inc.”
Hubbard claimed, “From the very beginning, I took great pains to separate my personal business from my public service. I have routinely consulted with the Alabama Ethics Commission staff to make certain that I adhered to all ethics laws, and I have followed their advice. I have consistently gone above and beyond what was legally necessary, which has been well documented. I have never violated the public’s trust – your trust – and I never will. I wish I could say the same thing about the rogue prosecutor leading this assault on me.”
Hubbard said that he, “Will fight these charges with everything I have,” and called the prosecution an abuse of power. Hubbard concluded by asking for resident’s votes on November 4th and for their prayers.
On Monday, October 17 Alabama Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard (R from Auburn) was indicted on twenty three counts for alleged misconduct that occurred in his roles as both Speaker of the House and prior to that as the Chairman of the Republican Party.
Speaker Hubbard held a post indictment pep rally on Tuesday following the indictments in which Hubbard and his allies, including Congressman Mike Rogers (R from Saks) attacked the Grand Jury process as well as the motivation of Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange (R).