By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, R-Auburn, wasted no time in contacting the Republican House Caucus, to assure them of his innocence, and to beat the drum of political prosecution.
The question remains: who will believe a man who is indicted of 23 felony counts of wrong doing while holding the Speaker’s gavel?
Hubbard proclaims to the caucus that the charges against him are false, and that he has never misused his office or broken trust with the caucus members.
Hubbard seems to want to assure the people that hold his political future in their hands that he is not guilty of the things which a Grand Jury of his peers have accused him. Much like a cheating spouse, Hubbard wants them to believe his words and not their own lying eyes.
Hubbard continuing on said, “It doesn’t come as any surprise to you that I have been the target of a political witch hunt. I have suspected so from the beginning, and the timing of these charges – coming two weeks before the election – leaves no doubt.”
He continues to say that he is the victim of a political prosecution, but fails to name those who are orchestrating the attack. This is standard fair for any indicted politico. They whine incessantly into the abyss hoping that someone will hear and believe.
Hubbard, who is accused of using his office for personal gain and for receiving money and other things of value from his “clients” American Pharmacy Cooperative Inc, (APCI) and Southeast Alabama Gas District, (SEAGD), wants his fellow house members to believe that all his actions were sanctioned by the Alabama Ethics Commission. Jim Sumner, who was the State’s ethic director, did see Hubbard’s contract with SEAGD, and pointedly the commission’s, legal council Hugh Evans, III, wrote, “The only potential issue that we saw would be if something came before the legislature that uniquely affected the Southeast Alabama Gas District differently than it affected all other utilities around the State of Alabama. Should this happen we would expect that speaker Hubbard would have plenty of notice in which to remove himself from discussions, votes, etc.”
It would seem that the Grand Jury saw something amiss with how Hubbard executed his work for SEAGD.
As for his contract work for APCI, the indictments show that Hubbard tried to pass legislation favorable to his client, which is a felony offense according to State ethics law.
Even more revealing is that Sumner could not have approved Hubbard contract in any real sense, because he admitted to this publican that he never even saw it.
In his email Hubbard states, “I have not violated the public’s trust, and I never will. I wish I could say the same thing about the rogue prosecutor who is leading this assault on me.”
Does he mean that the chief of the Attorney General’s white collar crimes unit, is a rogue actor? Trial Judge Jacob Walker, III, the state Criminal Court of Appeals and the State’s Supreme Court have concluded that the there is no rogue prosecution or prosecutor. Yet, once again, Hubbard expects the Republican Caucus to believe him in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
Lastly, Hubbard wants the caucus to know he is going to fight, and fight, and fight some more, and with a note of warning he tells the group, “this could have been done to any one of us.”
From: Mike Hubbard
Date: October 21, 2014 at 8:35:47 AM CDT
Subject: Message To Members
Fellow Members of the House of Representatives:
By now, many of you have read or heard about the accusations against me. I will vigorously fight these false charges through the justice system, and I am confident that I will prevail. My first obligation as always, is to answer to the people of my district who elected me. Secondly, I am obligated to you, the Members of the Alabama House of Representatives, who honored me with your trust as Speaker.
I want you to know that I have not misused my office or abused your trust. I have considered it a privilege and sacred duty to serve with you in the Legislature and to make significant changes – not for our benefit, but for the benefit of our constituents and our state.
It doesn’t come as any surprise to you that I have been the target of a political witch hunt. I have suspected so from the beginning, and the timing of these charges – coming two weeks before the election – leaves no doubt.
While this is something no one wants, and it has been painful for me and my family, there is a silver lining. I could not defend myself against innuendo and leaks. But I can and will defend myself against these charges.
From the very beginning, I took great pains to separate my personal business life from my public service. On multiple occasions, I consulted with the Ethics Commission’s director, Mr. Jim Sumner, to ensure that I adhered to all ethics laws, and I trusted his expertise and followed his advice. I went above and beyond what was legally necessary to make sure I followed the law. I have not violated the public’s trust, and I never will. I wish I could say the same thing about the rogue prosecutor who is leading this assault on me.
I intend to fight these charges with everything I have, because I believe there is much more at stake than my political future. Remember, this could have been done to any one of us! I am fighting to prove that using the legal system for political purposes is wrong and will not be tolerated.
Rep. Mike Hubbard
Speaker of the House
Alabama House of Representatives