By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Tuesday, October 7, a new report was released by the Senior’s Group, 60 Plus, claiming that proposed EPA regulations could raise energy prices by more than 20% on Alabama families including the most vulnerable among us. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley joined the 60 Plus Association at the Alabama State Capitol today to unveil the new report, “Energy Bills Challenge Alabama’s Senior Citizens.”
The report claimed that President Obama’s controversial new proposed EPA regulations would disproportionately affect Alabama seniors, who could see their electricity prices rise by more than 20%. The average power customer can expect to pay an increase of $25 per month ($300+ per year) due to the President’s “War on Coal” which would have limited (if any) affect on global CO2 levels.
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley said in a written statement, “We’re concerned about the cost of energy for individuals in the state of Alabama, particularly seniors, and we’re also concerned about job reduction. What they couldn’t do with legislation, they’re trying to do with regulation. We’re going to continue to push back on the federal government.”
The President of the 60 Plus Association Amy Frederick said in a statement, “It was an honor to be joined by Governor Robert Bentley to discuss the impact of proposed EPA regulations on Alabama’s seniors. The EPA is pursuing sweeping new standards that unfortunately do little to improve the environment and will disproportionately affect Alabama’s seniors.”
Frederick said, “Many of Alabama’s seniors rely solely on social security, and electricity prices are already a great burden. The President’s newly proposed EPA regulations will only make their dire situation even worse. Energy, like food and housing, is an indispensable necessity of life and President Obama should be working to help make the situation better instead of adding to seniors’ financial burden.”
More than 300,000 senior households in Alabama make $50,000 or less per year. The report said that low and fixed income seniors are among the most vulnerable to electric rate and other energy price increases.
The ten page report warned that EPA’s Clean Power Plan could limit fuel supply diversity in Alabama. Restricting fuel diversity which could lead to increased costs and a reduction of disposable income.
To read the report in its entirety click here.
The 60 Plus Association is a conservative group that bills itself as the conservative alternative to the much more liberal American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), which has been heavily criticized in its role in passage of the unpopular Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
The 60 Plus Association describes itself as a 20-year-old nonpartisan organization working for death tax repeal, saving Social Security and Medicare, affordable prescription drugs, lowering energy costs and other issues featuring a limited government, less taxes approach as well as a strict adherence to the Constitution. 60 Plus calls on support from over 7 million citizen activists. 60 Plus publishes a newsletter, SENIOR VOICE, and a Scorecard, bestowing awards on lawmakers of both parties who vote “pro-senior.” 60 Plus has been called “an increasingly influential senior citizen’s group” and the acknowledged alternative to the AARP.
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) is seeking re-election in November. The popular conservative governor faces a challenge from former Congressman Parker Griffith (D).