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Easing the Squeeze on Middle Class Families

By U. S. Representative Martha Roby (R-AL2)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – While Alabama has had some positive job announcements lately – particularly in our booming auto and aviation industries – the economy is still struggling.

According to a recent poll, nearly one in three Americans say their financial situation has gotten worse in the past year. Unemployment remains high. Many have left the workforce altogether. Incomes are stagnant. We can do better.

President Obama frequently says we should measure our economy by how the middle class is faring. I couldn’t agree more with the President on this.

But, here is where we differ: by and through his policies, President Obama makes families more dependent on the government. I want American families to be self-empowered because I believe self-reliance is critical to our freedom and well-being.

To be sure, middle class families are struggling in this economy. Why? Big government and radical policies are squeezing family budgets where it counts:

·         The ill-conceived and poorly-implemented healthcare law has made premiums and co-pays more expensive. What was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” has made healthcare less affordable for many middle class families.

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·         President Obama is “all in” on an environmental agenda that kills jobs and increases energy and food prices.

What happens when the cost for basic needs -healthcare, food, energy – goes up, and incomes remain stagnant? Middle class families get squeezed.

I’m committed to easing that squeeze on middle class families by taking action on common-sense, pro-growth policies that will help our economy. Just this week the House passed a number of such bills.

The American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act is a package of bills focused on energy production, infrastructure, reliability and efficiency. It includes allowing the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, ending the Obama Administration’s “war on coal” and removing barriers to developing American energy sources.

The Jobs for America Act is another package of bills aimed to energize the economy and jumpstart job growth. Many seek to revise or repeal burdensome policies that drive up costs, such as ObamaCare’s employer mandate that undermines the 40-hour work week and costs workers money.

These bills now go to the Senate, where many common-sense bills have gone to die. It isn’t that the bills do not have the support to pass – it’s that they do. Reports are that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid knows that the more moderate Democrats support our pro-growth bills, and therefore won’t risk allowing them to come up for a vote.

That kind of mindset is obviously frustrating, but it won’t stop me from working on your behalf to improve our economy and ease the squeeze on middle class families.

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Martha Roby represents Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District. She is currently serving her second term.


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