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Brooks Says Democrats are Waging a War on Whites

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

The nation is increasingly becoming polarized along racial and cultural lines.  Congressman Mo Brooks has suggested that much of this is the intent of Democratic strategists.

According to original reporting by Politico’s Lucy McCalmont Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks (R) from Huntsville on Monday, August 4 has publicly accused the Democratic Party of waging a “war on Whites,” a demographic that is increasingly unreceptive to their candidates, and is using the debate on immigration to divide Americans on racial lines.  Rep. Brooks made the inflammatory remarks in a pair of interviews on Monday, saying that Democrats use the tactic in campaigns and on the issue of immigration.

Congressman Brooks told’s Paul Gattis, “What the Democrats are doing with their dividing America by race is they are waging a war on whites and I find that repugnant.” Brooks said that by Democrats soliciting votes of people “based on skin color, they in turn are attacking whites based on skin color and that’s wrong. Nobody should be attacked based on skin color.”

This followed similar remarks by Rep. Brooks on the radio with conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham.  Brooks credited the divide strategy with President Barack Obama’s wins in 2008 and 2012.

Rep. Brooks told Ingraham, “This is a part of the war on Whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” he said during an interview Monday with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. “It’s part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true.”

Rep. Brooks said that Obama’s immigration policies will hurt everyone not just working class whites, “It doesn’t make any difference if you’re a White American, a Black American, a Hispanic American, an Asian American or if you’re a woman or a man. Every single demographic group is hurt by falling wages and lost jobs.”  “Democrats, they have to demagogue on this and try and turn it into a racial issue, which is an emotional issue, rather than a thoughtful issue,” he added. “If it becomes a thoughtful issue, then we win and we win big. And they lose and they lose big.”

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Brooks told, “It’s high time folks started calling out the Democrats for their racial appeals.”

In 2012 President Barack H. Obama (D) was reelected by a narrow 51 percent to 47 percent vote.  It was a close election; but among the various demographic groups it was not close at all.  According to polling provided by the Roper group Governor Mitt Romney actually won the White vote by an enormous 59 percent to 39 percent margin.  30 years ago Romney would have won the election in a landslide similar to Ronald Reagan’s defeat of Walter Mondale based on those numbers alone, but the America of 2012 is not the America of generations past.  Black voters supported the first Black President by a 93 to 7 percent margin.  Hispanics preferred President Obama and his executive actions on immigration 71 to just 26 percent for Governor Romney.  Asians preferred Obama 73 to 26 percent.

Since even before his re-election President Obama has, with the solid support of Democrats in Congress, strongly resisted calls that he enforce America’s immigration laws and deport millions of illegal immigrants who are living here and has demanded that Congress pass immigration reforms to substantially increase the number of legal immigrants allowed to enter this country.  Most of these immigrants will come from Mexico, Central America, Asia, and the troubled Middleast.  Instead of turning away juvenile illegal aliens at the border, the President has ordered that the undermanned U.S. Border Patrol take them into protective custody.  Most are later released into this country when a family member or a charity agrees to sponsor them.  This has led to a massive surge of more illegal aliens coming to their country.

Congressman Mo Brooks represents Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District and is seeking a third term in the United States Congress.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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