By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Thursday, July 31, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, (D) from Selma, released a written statement following her vote against the resolution by House Republicans to bring a lawsuit against President Obama. The legislation authorizing that the Congress initiate a lawsuit against President Obama was approved in the United States House of Representatives on Wednesday evening by a vote of 225 to 201 that split along party lines.
Rep. Sewell said, “I am deeply disappointed with House Republicans for passing this partisan resolution suing President Obama. This lawsuit is a shameful continuance of the outright disrespect and disdain that Republicans have shown towards our President since before he was elected. With only a day left before summer recess, to spend time debating the merit of this baseless lawsuit is grossly irresponsible! While millions of Americans are waiting for Congress to renew emergency unemployment insurance, raise the minimum wage, and pass legislation that promotes job creation, the House GOP is shirking their responsibility to be good stewards of the American taxpayers’ time and money by suing President Obama.”
Rep. Sewell continued, “In contrast, I am proud of the work being done by House Democrats to advance the priorities of the constituents we were sent here to represent. Congress should be working to create jobs and promote policies that strengthen ladders of opportunity into the middle class for millions of hard-working Americans.”
Rep. Sewell concluded, “At a time when our nation is facing serious challenges, House Republicans should abandon their political gamesmanship and join the rest of us in addressing the pressing issues facing the American people.”
Sewell’s Republican colleagues in Alabama’s Congressional delegation supported Speaker John Boehner (R) from Ohio and his effort to sue the President for changing laws as they were written by Congress, including the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act……the signature piece of legislation passed during the Obama presidency. Some of the more onerous provisions of “Obamacare” will not be enforced until 2016 or beyond to blunt the economic and political impact of the controversial healthcare reform law.
Congresswoman Terri Sewell represents Alabama’s Seventh Congressional District. Rep. Sewell is seeking a third term in the United States Congress. She crushed her opponent in the Democratic Primary and no Republican qualified to run in Alabama’s only majority minority district.