By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
BIRMINGHAM—On Thursday, Britney Mitchell, Political Director for the Alabama Republican Party, sent an email to ALGOP County Party Chairman calling for an emergency conference call.
In the email, Mitchell discloses that “many” County chairs did not file qualifying documents for local elections. In the email she writes, “ After speaking with some of you today, we have heard back that many of you did not qualify your candidates for the General Election. You were to have qualified your county candidates (sheriff, board of education, etc.) with your Probate Judge before 5 pm YESTERDAY.”
The Secretary of State’s office confirmed that the deadline for filing was actually 12 noon on Wednesday, not 5:00 PM, as Mitchell stated in her email.
According to Mitchell’s email, this missed deadline would affect, “sheriff, board of education, etc.”
Situations like this have occurred before, where a hard deadline has been violated. In the past some of these offenses have been overlooked, allowing the probate judges to make individual decisions.
According to the Secretary of State’s office, this is a hard deadline, so it may rest with the Attorney General’s Office to investigate the matter.
Mitchell did not return request for comment.
Email below:
From: Britney Mitchell Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:41 PM To: Subject: COUNTY CHAIR EMERGENCY CALL
Dear County Chairmen,
After speaking with some of you today, we have heard back that many of you did not qualify your candidates for the General Election.
You were to have qualified your county candidates (sheriff, board of education, etc.) with your Probate Judge before 5 pm YESTERDAY.
We will have an emergency call regarding the situation TONIGHT at 7pm.
Please make every effort to be on this conference call.
Dial in at 213-550-2200, the ID is 25467#.
Save the Date: Saturday August 16 Hoover Tactical from 9am-12pm
Britney Mitchell Garner,
Political Director
, The Alabama Republican Party