By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—To avoid felony charges, as a part of his plea agreement, disgraced former lawmaker and insurance salesman, Greg Wren, resigned from office.
On April 1, 2014, just before being placed in handcuffs and hauled off for booking, Wren told the assembled press that he was relieved, and was looking forward to a change. Well, it now appears that the change has come.
Yes! Wren is the latest convicted lawmaker to join the lobbying ranks.
According to his website, “Wren and Associates, LLC has a proven formula for success at the state and federal levels. Wren and Associates has the government experience, business background, and political savvy to make our clients’ issues important to state and federal policymakers.”
Wren, who used his office for personal gain, added language into legislation to benefit a client and distributed classified information that was only intended for lawmakers, wants everyone to realize that he has a “proven formula for success.”
Wren’s website places emphasis of his extensive background in insurance and health care. Would the Hospital Association really find it appealing to have their name tied to that of a convicted legislator?
What about ALFA? Do they need a lobbyist who knows his way around the Statehouse and the Courthouse?
At first blush, it would appear that the answer would be a firm, No! But, Montgomery is a forgiving place, with kindhearted people always willing to give a crooked politician a second chance at breaking the law for a good cause.
On the “Who We Are” page sits a lone picture of Wren, along side his bio. Nowhere does he mention the reason he resigned after “nearly two decades” (because of criminal indictments), nor does he disclose that he will be testifying for the State when Speaker Hubbard is indicted.
Nope. Not a single syllable about lying, cheating and betraying his Oath of Office.
We wish Wren all the success he deservers in his new venture.
Hope to see you around the Statehouse…
and of course, the Courthouse.