By Steve French
“Sometimes, events in life get in the way of a good plan.” – Steve French
Last November, after prudently securing the critically important support from my family and from my employer, I announced my candidacy for the House District 46 seat that encompasses Hoover, Homewood and Mountain Brook. I stated at the time of my announcement that it was my intention to run a positive, issues-based campaign highlighting my professional business background and my conservative philosophy.
And, my campaign has successfully done just that as I am currently in a runoff for this seat. My campaign’s successes have come as I have talked about my hopes and my plans for helping make this region a better place in which to work, to live and to raise a family.
Along the way, I received the endorsements from virtually every business group and association that evaluated the candidates in this race. We also enjoyed the energies and the efforts of hundreds of people who live in this area. For the affirmation of the volunteers and the business groups that supported for me, I will always be appreciative.
However, recently, life events have gotten in the way of a good plan and, it is no longer prudent for me to continue with this campaign.
Therefore, I am announcing both the withdrawal of my candidacy from the July 15th House District 46 Republican Primary Run-off and my support for David Faulkner, for whom I wish the best.