By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
Today’s election may be a dark day for our State or a bright, new beginning for all our people.
The future of Alabama may be reflected in the attitude of current Gov. Robert Bentley or that of former Gov. Bob Riley.
Riley, who now serves as a lobbyist for some of the most powerful outside groups, hoping to make billions of dollars off our State, stands in stark contrast to Gov. Bentley, who wants to create a better tomorrow for all Alabamians.
A clear difference between the two mens’ visions can be seen in the Senate District 8 race. Riley has been campaigning hard for new comer Steve Livingston, R-Scottsboro, while our current Gov. Bentley has endorsed State Rep. Todd Greeson, R-Ider. Both men are running for the Senate seat vacated by Sen. Shadrack McGill.
Greeson, a long serving Republican Representative, is being opposed by Riley and Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, because he dared to challenge Riley’s massive tax increase and because he is anti-Common Core and pro-public education.
Livingston, an unknown entity, has received thousands of dollars in contributions, not only from Riley and the Business Council of Alabama (BCA), but from groups that hope to expand charter schools and voucher programs in the State.
Greeson is a pro-life, NRA conservative, who dared cross swords with Riley and Hubbard. His opponent has received the backing of a San Francisco billionaire, who would like to see Alabama become the poster child for Common Core and privatized education.
While Greeson, like Bentley, is social conservative who wants prosperity for all, Livingston has aligned himself with the powerful business interests who see our citizens as grist for the money mill.
Riley stands to make millions from privatized education, once again trading on his name, power and influence to enrich himself and his family; a very bright contrast to Bentley who does not even take a salary from the State.
So concerned are Riley and Hubbard about their loss of power, that yesterday Riley was in Auburn going door to door for Hubbard reelection campaign. Since when does a former governor knock on doors for a candidate?
Of course if Hubbard were to lose, Riley would see his own power reduced to a state of ruin.
These men are so covetous of wealth and power that they would sell our State to the highest bidder.
Today will not just be a vote for a set of candidates, but for the future of Alabama and the ALGOP.
Yesterday a friend of mine, Connie Norris, took to Facebook to post the following:
“Today will be one of the darkest days in Alabama history as some forces continue attempts to destroy the chances of good Republican candidates who simply want an opportunity to represent you. Aggressive ads linking every Republican not among their favored to “Obama”, “Liberal Democrats”, and AEA may help them prevail at the polls, yet they’ve lifted the veil exposing themselves, strengthening the bond among a multitude of conservative organizations while adding a host of individuals who had been skeptical about their roles.”
In 2010, Hubbard and Riley along with Del Marsh, recruited a slate of men and women to take over the State House. Many of these 2010 recruits face Republican challengers who have come to believe that Hubbard and his minions have corrupted State government.
The individuals who have shown the courage to challenge the Hubbard/Riley machine, have been tarred with lies and smeared with the worse kind of race-baiting vitriol.
Again I let my friend speak:
“They’ve assaulted Dr. Stan Cooke, a pastor and candidate for lieutenant governor… they have attacked, Sandy Toomer, a former missionary pilot trained at Moody Bible Institute who served God in Ecuador seven years…, they have attacked Tim Sprayberry [placing] the God-honoring Sprayberry in bed with President Obama.”
Connie sees this for what it is: an attempt by corrupt men to destroy any chance our State has for a brighter tomorrow.
Finally, Connie ended her post by saying, “There are many outstanding people who do not have the big money to respond to well-financed assaults against them or to replace signs stolen from roadsides and private property. So go ahead and make our day. They took the State House by storm, and despite the outcome of this election, there is a citizen tsunami on the horizon that will make their storm look like a spring shower.”
So, as you vote today, there is a clear choice between those who would see our State sacked for their personal gain and those who will work for a better home called Alabama.
Choose wisely….our future depends on it.