By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Tuesday, May 13 the Dr. Chad Mathis for Congress campaign announced that United States Senator Mike Lee (R) from Utah had taped a radio ad endorsing the Indian Springs orthopedist. The Dr. Chad Mathis’ campaign unveiled its latest radio ad, in which Constitutional conservative, United States Senator Mike Lee, endorsed Dr. Mathis as the conservative he recommends that Alabama Sixth District voters send to Washington.
In the ad, Senator Lee calls Dr. Mathis a successful surgeon, small business owner, husband, and father who will stand up for life and religious freedom.
Dr. Chad Mathis released a written statement: “United States Senator Mike Lee is a leader of conservative causes both in Washington and around our nation. His endorsement of my conservative credentials speaks volumes of the trust he has in me to help him continue fighting against President Obama and the liberal elite. I look forward to joining him, and other movement conservatives fighting to repeal Obamacare, rein in spending, defend life, and protect our 2nd Amendment rights.”
On Tuesday, October 14 the Mathis Campaign announced that the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) has endorsed Dr. Chad Mathis (R) in the Republican primary election for Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District. The Campaign also announced that the Young American’s Liberty Fund Action PAC and Congressman Burgess were also weighing in for Dr. Mathis.
TPPCF Chairman Jenny Beth Martin said, “Dr. Mathis brings a lot to the table. First and foremost, as a physician, he’ll make the repeal of Obamacare his top priority. In addition, he’s committed to the values of personal freedom, economic freedom and a debt-free future.”
Martin said, “After seeing the bailouts of 2008 and the passage of Obamacare in 2010, Chad went to Texas to volunteer for Ted Cruz and like Sen. Cruz, he’s committed to the Constitution. He’ll fight to reduce spending, cut out burdensome regulations and let hard working American families keep more of their own money. He’s the true conservative candidate.”
Martin said, “It’s important for all Alabamians in the Sixth District who believe in limited government and fiscal responsibility to rally behind Dr. Mathis. We’re proud to endorse him and urge everyone who wants a piece of the American Dream to give him their vote and support.”
The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund is committed to equipping grassroots activists at the state and local level with the tools and resources needed to hold elected officials and government accountable and elect new and qualified candidates.
The Young Americans for Liberty’s PAC, Liberty Action Fund, endorsed Dr. Chad Mathis’ candidacy in the race for Alabama’s sixth congressional seat.
Jeff Frazee, the Chairman of Young Americans for Liberty’s Liberty Action Fund released a written statement: “Young people have a voice in the election through Liberty Action Fund, and we are proud to place our full support behind Dr. Chad Mathis. During his time as a medical doctor and small business owner, Dr. Mathis has seen our country suffer from the big-government, big-spending policies implemented by the political establishment in both parties. And most importantly, he will fight for the issues that matter to young people, such as protecting our privacy from government spying, cutting down the national debt, and ending Obamacare.”
Dr. Chad Mathis said, “Liberty Action Fund knows I will stand on principle when elected to represent the people of Alabama’s Sixth District. As your congressman, I will work to limit the size and scope of government, defend our liberties, repeal Obamacare and above all else, uphold the Constitution. I am honored that an organization dedicated to teaching and defending the Constitution is willing to invest in my candidacy to bring bold, new, conservative leadership to Washington. ”
On Wednesday, May 1 Congressman Michael Burgess (R) from Texas endorsed Dr. Chad Mathis in the race for Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District. On Friday, May 2 Club For Growth announced that they were also endorsing the Indian Springs orthopedist.
Like Mathis, U.S. Representative Burgess is a medical doctor. The doctor/Congressman from North Texas is the Vice Chairman of the House Energy Committee, the Vice Chairman of the Commerce Committee’s Sub-Committee on Health, and is a member of the Congressional Doctors Caucus.
U.S. Representative Burgess joins fellow Doctor’s Caucus members Congressmen Andy Harris, and Phil Roe in calling for the people of Alabama to send another doctor to Washington to help put health care back in the hands of patients, rather than the government. Dr. Mathis worked alongside Doctors Caucus members to help introduce his Twelve-Point Plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Congressman Burgess said, “As a surgeon and small business owner, Dr. Chad Mathis will bring a unique skill set to Washington that will help put in place the patient centered, market driven reforms our health care system so desperately needs. With pride, I support Dr. Mathis and the conservative leadership his candidacy will bring to the next Congress.”
The Club for Growth PAC has also thrown their weight into endorsing Dr. Chad Mathis’ candidacy in Alabama’s 6th Congressional District. The Club for Growth PAC’s primary mission is to support candidates for Congress who believe in pro-growth policies, limited government, low taxes, and economic freedom.
The Mathis Campaign claims that their entry into such a hotly contested Republican primary shows not only the strength of Dr. Mathis’ candidacy, but their belief that Dr. Mathis is the sole candidate with the backbone to stand by the free market principles the Club for Growth espouses.
Club for Growth President, Chris Chocola said in a written statement: “The choice is clear: Dr. Chad Mathis is the constitutional conservative running in Alabama’s sixth Congressional district who will fight to repeal ObamaCare and stand up to the big-government liberals in Congress. Dr. Mathis will do everything he can to cut spending, oppose burdensome regulations, and he’s not afraid to stand on principle to do what’s right for America. Club members are enthusiastically behind Dr. Chad Mathis for Congress, and the Club for Growth PAC strongly endorses his candidacy.”
Dr. Mathis said, “I am honored to be receiving the endorsement of a group that champions the economic freedoms this country needs to get back on a path to prosperity. The Club for Growth is the preeminent voice behind the principles and policies that favor the individual over government, and I will be a steadfast advocate of their agenda to bring a pro-growth, limited style government to the forefront.”
Dr. Chad Mathis has garnered a number of prominent endorsements. To this point Dr. Mathis has been endorsed by: U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R) from Utah, the National Association for Gun Rights, Gun Owners of America, the Senate Conservatives Fund, the Honorable Ken Blackwell, FreedomWorks PAC, the Madison Project, Citizens United Political Victory Fund, RedState, Club for Growth, the Alabama Orthopedic Society, Young Americans for Liberty’s PAC, Liberty Action Fund, the Alabama State Society of Anesthesiologists, Congressman Andy Harris (M.D.), the Club for Growth, the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, Congressman Phil Roe (M.D.), Congressman Michael Burgess (M.D.), and Commander Kirk Lippold, U.S. Navy (Ret.).
Dr. Mathis has unveiled a twelve point plan to repeal and replace Obamacare (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010) and to reform the tax code. Dr. Chad Mathis said recently, “My substantive solutions to the problems facing Alabamians are refreshing compared to the tiresome, drone-like talking points consistent with the career politician and political insiders I’m up against.”
Dr. Mathis is running in a crowded District Six field that includes: state Representative Paul DeMarco (R) from Homewood, prominent longtime Harbert executive Will Brooke, state Senator Scott Beason (R) from Gardendale, the owner of Royal Mattress Manufacturing in Pelham mattress Tom Vigneulle, retired attorney Rob Shattuck, and Alabama Policy Institute co-founder and longtime President Gary Palmer.
Dr. Chad Mathis is an Indian Springs orthopedist.
Longtime Sixth Congressional District incumbent Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia is not seeking re-election. Rep. Bachus has served the Sixth District for 11 terms in the U.S. Congress.
The Republican Primary is June 3.
The eventual Republican Party nominee will still have to face Democrat Avery Vice in the November General Election.