By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Dr. Stan Cooke (R) from Sumiton was campaigning at the Jefferson County Republican Party Straw Poll event at the Gardendale Civic Center on Saturday, May 10. Stan Cooke is running for the Republican nomination for Alabama Lieutenant Governor.
Cooke told the large crowd, “I am here to ask you for your vote.” “I would like to thank Governor Robert Bentley for coming and I am proud to say he is my friend.”
Cooke said, “I have never been a Democrat and I am not a career politician.” Cooke said that he is committed to fighting corruption. Cooke said that just because we are Republicans everything we do is not right, but because we are Republicans everything that we do must be done right.
Cooke said that the State faces a lot of problems: More people are drawing some form of welfare than we have drawing a full time job. Cooke said that as Lt. Governor he would emphasize economic development.
Cooke promised that as Lt. Gov. he would take a strong stand against anyone Republican or Democrat who uses their office for corruption.
Dr. Cooke said, “I am 100% against Common Core.” Cooke said that there are many in Montgomery who are taking money from special interest groups to implement Common Core in Alabama schools. “I will never be bought off by any organization.”
The Business Council of Alabama and its controversial leader, Billy Canary, has publicly pressured legislators at numerous public hearings to implement the Obama administration endorsed Common Core in Alabama schools and has used its PAC funds to influence candidates and legislators on behalf of the unpopular new education methods and standards.
Cooke held up a book and said, “This book is filled with pornographic pictures of a ten year old showing every deviant form of behavior.” Cooke said that the controversial book was on the Common Core recommended reading list. Cooke said that as Lt. Governor he would demand that the Senate vote up or down on the unpopular Common Core standards which Alabama has been pressured to implement.
“I am Stan Cooke and I am asking for your vote.”
Stan Cooke is a businessman and Christian Pastor.
The Alabama Political Reporter asked Cooke about the status of his Church, the Kimberly Church of God, which a tornado plowed through on April 28. Cooke told us that the old sanctuary and some of the other buildings in the complex were destroyed, but he thought that they would be able to save the new sanctuary despite enormous wind damage.
Dr. Cooke is running against incumbent Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey (R) in the June 3 Republican Primary. Ivey was the winner of the Jefferson County Republican Party Straw Poll.
The eventual Republican nominee will face former Cullman County state Representative James Fields (D) in the November 4 General Election.