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DeMarco Speaks to Trussville Republican Women

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Alabama State Representative Paul DeMarco (R) from Homewood, spoke to the Republican Women of Trussville at their meeting and candidate forum on May 1, at the Greyson Valley Country Club.

Rep. DeMarco said, “I am always excited to be here because this is a club of workers.  One reason we have a Republican super majority is that you get out and work.”

DeMarco told the women about meeting his wife, Jacqueline. He was at a Church picnic 5 and a half years ago and one of the members told him that he should meet her grand-daughter.  That grand-daughter would become DeMarco’s wife Jacqueline.  DeMarco said that they were expecting their first child in a few weeks.

On Thursday, May 8, Paul and Jacqueline DeMarco were happy to announce the birth of Jack Anthony DeMarco.  Jack was born weighing 7.4 pounds and 21 inches long. In a written statement, Paul DeMarco said, “This is a blessing for us. We thank everyone for their prayers during this joyous time.”

Rep. DeMarco told the Republican Women of Trussville that the Republican Super-Majority has brought much needed reforms in the state of Alabama and we have got to make those same kinds of reforms in Washington D.C.  “We don’t see Alabama values in Washington D.C., we see Washington D.C. values.”  DeMarco said that if elected he would bring Alabama values to Washington, not bring Washington values to Alabama.  DeMarco said that he would continue to live in Homewood, Al.

Rep. DeMarco said that the Sixth District needs a congressman who is accessible, available, and approachable.  “Good ideas don’t come from the State capital.  They don’t come from Washington.  They come from our churches and our schools.”

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Rep. DeMarco is an attorney.

DeMarco said that when tornados struck in Kimberly, Graysville and Bessemer, he didn’t see the Federal government.  He saw in addition to our first responders, volunteers and neighbors showing the American spirit by stepping up to help their friends and neighbors.

DeMarco said that we need a realistic energy policy.  “We can’t put wind mills on top of Red Mountain.”

DeMarco said that when there was a five hour wait at the court house to get a car tag renewed, he sponsored legislation to allow you to get your car tag at your city hall.  Vestavia has already begun offering the car tags to their residents and Trussville will be getting that soon.  DeMarco said that he has talked with the mayor of Trussville about that recently.

DeMarco said, “You know me…I ask for your votes and your prayers.”

Rep. DeMarco is a two-term State representative seeking the Republican nomination for the congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia.  Congressman Bachus is retiring after 11 terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Alabama Policy Institute co-founder and former President Gary Palmer, State Senator Scott Beason from Gardendale, longtime Harbert executive Will Brooke, mattress manufacturer Tom Vigneulle, Dr. Chad Mathis from Indian Springs, and attorney Robert Shattuck are all running in Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District Republican Primary.

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The winner of the June 3 Republican Primary will face Democrat Avery Vise in the November general election.  Longtime incumbent Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia is not seeking another term.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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