By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—Just days before and after his arrest by the State’s Attorney General’s Office, Rep. Barry Moore, (R-Enterprise), received three large donations from political action committees (PAC) controlled or related to Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, (R-Auburn).
Moore has been charged with two felony counts of providing false statements and two felony counts of perjury in lying to a Grand Jury (about threats he related as being from Speaker Hubbard).
Moore was served his indictment, April 23, and was arrested on April 24.
According to the FCPA filings, Moore received a $25,000 contribution from Alabama 2014 PAC on April 8. The PAC is headed by former Gov. Bob Riley, in cooperation with Hubbard and Senate President Pro Tem, Del Marsh, (R-Anniston).
On April 22, Moore received $10,000 from Storming the State House PAC, which is controlled by Hubbard. Even more curious, he received an additional $15,000 from Storming the State House PAC on April 28.
In total, Moore received exactly $50,000 from PACs that Hubbard controls or has an interest in, just days of his indictment and arrest.
The charges against Moore stem from threats conveyed by Moore to Josh Pipkin, allegedly on behalf of Hubbard.
Indictment can be seen here
In a taped phone conversation, Moore threatens his GOP primary opponent, Pipkin, by saying that the Speaker would kill a job incentive program for Enterprise unless Pipkin dropped out of the June election. Moore also says that Hubbard would bring “Holy Hell,” down on Pipkin if he did not quit the race.
Hubbard has to be worried about Moore’s loyalty, because if Moore confirms the threats he alleges Hubbard made, then the Speaker could be facing serious criminal charges.