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Shattuck Says He Has Plan to Alter Political Landscape in Washington

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Friday, Sixth Congressional District Candidate Rob Shattuck released a statement on repealing Obamacare and reforming the healthcare system.

Shattuck said, “Of all the world’s health care systems, the U.S. system, with its multiple programs (private insurance, charities, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) and Federal/state divisions of responsibility. is the most fractured and complex, and it has many, many inefficiencies.  Advances in medicine and medical technology, and cost factors, have led to seeking new and better ways of organizing and delivering healthcare.   (The complexity of health care in the Untied States is indicated by UAB having a Department of Health Care Organization and Policy, which has more than 20 professors.)  The great structural complexities of the U.S. healthcare system, the changing modes of health care delivery, and the deep reach of the health care system in the economy and in people’s personal lives, have made the politics of health care and health care reform the most difficult and complicated in the United States political universe. These politics came out in gale force when the Clinton healthcare reform plan went through the legislative process in the 1990’s, and again in connection with the enactment of The Affordable Care Act in 2010.”

Shattuck continued, “The misery of dealing with the U.S. healthcare system and its politics is going to be with the country for years to come.  (Those politics now have new difficulties by reason of The Affordable Care Act.  For example, persons at 100% of the poverty level who get subsidies covering almost all of their premiums will oppose any cutback of that.).”

Shattuck warned however that, “The next Representative from the 6th Congressional district is not likely to make a whit of difference in Congress about healthcare, or any whit of difference he achieves may make things worse by reason of there being some countervailing or offsetting other provision that gets into the law.”

Shattuck said, “I believe the Affordable Care Act is a monstrosity, but I don’t see that beating the “repeal and replace Obamacare” drum will have much positive result.  I have a plan that seeks to alter greatly the political landscape in Washington, which I think would aid in producing a better healthcare law.  None of the other candidates have any ideas for altering the Washington political landscape.”

Shattuck continued, “”Congress stopped functioning about three years ago, and there is no indication when it will start functioning again.”   That’s what I said when interviewed on Birmingham’s Morning News w/ JT yesterday morning.”  “The last 18 months have been particularly appalling, with the government shutdown, going to the brink on U.S. debt default, continued governance without budgets, and the endless finger pointing.”

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Shattuck said, “The Affordable Care Act is a monstrosity, borne three years ago from a grossly dysfunctional Congress. It is rolling down the track, it can hardly be turned on a dime, and it would seem sure not to be repealed and replaced while President Obama is in office, or ever if Hillary Clinton wins in 2016.”

Shattuck said that, “The other 6th Congressional district candidates continue to purvey that they can contribute to repairing the abysmal condition of Congress if the 6th district voters elect the right person, and that person goes to Washington and pounds ever harder on President Obama and the Democrats, and beats more loudly the “repeal and replace Obamacare” drum.”

Shattuck stated, “I don’t think any of the other six candidates will make a whit of difference for our failed Congress.”  “I am purveying this diagnosis: (i) the political class in Washington DC is the common enemy of peon Republicans, peon Democrats, and peon independents, (ii) the political class in Washington works at keeping the electorate divided and keeping Republicans and Democrats riled up and angry at each other, even hating each other, (iii) doing this aids the political class in Washington to preserve and fortify their entrenched position and increase their riches and power, and (iv) this is a major cause of a government in Washington that is not of, by and for the people, and a Congress that is dysfunctional and not able to do its job properly for the American people.”

Shattuck said, “I have a National Battle Plan for fighting back against our failed Congress and the Washington political class that has foisted it on the American people. Please read the plan, and ask the other candidates why they think they will make a whit of difference, and why my plan is not the only choice the American people have.”  “[All the candidates are in favor of [deficit reduction and a balanced budget] [fiscal responsibility], but there is no basis for thinking that any of the candidates will make any difference in achieving the goal of [deficit reduction and balancing the budget] [fiscal responsibility].   I have a plan that seeks to alter greatly the political landscape in Washington, which I think would aid in achieving [deficit reduction and a balanced budget] [fiscal responsibility]. None of the other candidates have any ideas for altering the Washington political landscape.].”

On his website, Shattuck proposes, “Congress is told in no uncertain terms that their chief order of business come January is to propose an amendment to the Constitution that the right of free speech under the First Amendment is limited to natural persons and that it be put out for ratification by the state legislatures.  Contemporaneously the Congress shall debate legislation that provides for a system of anonymous campaign contributions and a system that bans private communications between lawmakers and their constituents.  This debate should receive intensive public attention and all candidates and contenders for Congress will have the opportunity to speak out.  The object is for Congress to enact something as early as possible, say by the end of February.  The longer it drags out without Congress taking action, the more exposed will be incumbents to being voted out of office in favor of new faces who give more assurances that they will act if elected.  If Congress passes an enactment that the voters find too weak, that also may lead to eviction from office.  That national battle plan depends on how unified all voters are in demanding that the campaign financing corruption be ended.”

Shattuck is running in a crowded District Six field that includes: state Representative Paul DeMarco (R) from Homewood, prominent Harbert executive Will Brooke, state Senator Scott Beason (R) from Gardendale, Pelham mattress manufacturer Tom Vigneulle, Alabama Policy Institute co-founder and long time President Gary Palmer, Indian Springs orthopedist Dr. Chad Mathis.

Longtime Sixth Congressional District incumbent Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia is not seeking re-election.

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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