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Senator Mike Lee Endorses Dr. Chad Mathis

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Wednesday, April 9, the Dr. Chad Mathis for Congress campaign announced that it has received an endorsement from United States Senator Mike Lee (R) from Utah.  Dr. Mathis (R) is an orthopedist from Indian Springs who is running for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District seat. Current Congressman Spencer Bachus is retiring at the end of this, his 11th, term in the United States Congress.

Sen. Lee said in his endorsement statement, “Winning this election year requires a plan. And I don’t just mean having a campaign plan.   We need a plan for America’s future, to get things back on track, and enact the reforms that will restore the greatness of our country. We need a plan to promote economic freedom, reduce burdens on American taxpayers, and – above all – a plan to repeal Obamacare.   That’s why I am excited to announce my support for Dr. Chad Mathis running for the House of Representatives in the sixth district of Alabama.”

Senator Lee said, “Chad, a surgeon and successful businessman, knows that the best way to repeal Obamacare is to replace it with better solutions. To back it up, he recently announced a 12-point plan that would not only rid the country of the president’s failed law, but implement patient-centered reforms that put decisions back in the hands of doctors and patients.”

Dr. Mathis said, “I am humbled to be receiving the endorsement of a name synonymous with no-compromise conservatism. Senator Mike Lee’s constant vigilance over our freedoms and liberties, as prescribed in the Constitution, is what has earned him a celebrated reputation amongst conservatives, and an infamous one amongst Washington’s liberal elites.”

Dr. Mathis wrote, “Furthermore, his support of my twelve-point plan to repeal and replace Obamacare reinforces the fact that I am the only candidate with substantive solutions to the problems facing Alabamians.”

Senator Lee said on Facebook recently, “Conservatives should have an honest conversation with the American people about the problems with the president’s health care law and the solutions we have to fix them.”  Mike Lee, along with Texas Senator Ted Cruz have been staunch opponents of the President’s controversial health care sector takeover, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010….much of which has been delayed until after the November election or beyond.

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The Mathis campaign wrote, “Senator Lee is most noted for his no-compromise conservatism, and willingness to go toe-to-toe with liberal Senators’ attempts to bypass the Constitution. Senator Lee’s endorsement cements Dr. Chad Mathis as the sole candidate in this race who can be trusted to defend the Constitution, and deliver real reforms without compromising his conservative values in the U.S. Congress.”

Dr. Mathis has received a number of enorsements to date from national groups including:  U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R), National Association for Gun Rights, Gun Owners of America, Senate Conservatives Fund, Hon. Ken Blackwell, FreedomWorks PAC, Madison Project, Citizens United Political Victory Fund, RedState, Alabama Orthopedic Society, Alabama State Society of Anesthesiologists, Congressman Andy Harris (M.D.), Congressman Phil Roe (M.D.), and Commander Kirk Lippold, USN (Ret.).  It still remains to be seen if this will translate to Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District where several of the other candidates have better name recognition (at this point).

Dr. Mathis said in a written opinion piece at, “I’m a physician and a small businessman.  But most importantly I’m a parent.  Every single day, I see the importance of life.  My children are the reason I’m running for Congress in Alabama’s sixth district.  They don’t deserve to inherit a nation worse off than the one in which I grew up because of the wasteful spending and the Obama administration’s disregard for that values that made America great.”

Dr. Mathis is an Indian Springs orthopedist.  Dr. Mathis said, “I’ve actually read all 2,462 pages of Obamacare and I’ve seen its dreadful consequences on businesses and medical practitioners.  That’s why I’m ready to roll up the sleeves of my medical coat and be the rational, conservative voice in Washington that Alabama deserves.”

Alabama Policy Institute co-founder and former President Gary Palmer, state Senator Scott Beason from Gardendale, longtime Harbert executive Will Brooke, mattress manufacturer Tom Vigneulle, state Representative Paul DeMarco from Homewood, State Senator Scott Beason and Robert Shattuck are all running in Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District Republican Primary.

The winner of the June 3rd Republican Primary will face Democrat Avery Vise in the November general election.  Longtime incumbent Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia is not seeking another term.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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