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Foundation Asks Legislators to Sign Anti-Corruption Pledge

Staff Report

On Thursday, the Foundation for Limited Government asked legislators to sign an anti-corruption pledge. John Rice encouraged a new commitment to fair government practices that limit the amount of government contracts and graft that lawmakers and family can receive from the state while lawmakers are still in office. Stan Cooke, candidate for Lt. Governor, was the first to sign the pledge.

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The Alabama Anti-Corruption Pledge

As an elected member of the Alabama State Legislature or candidate for the Alabama State Legislature, I,    believe it is time to clean up state government, and I would support and vote for comprehensive ethics legislation that includes:

  • Term Limits: Setting term limits on state legislators to no more than two consecutive terms, or eight years in either chamber, and no more than a cumulative lifetime total of 12 years in either the state house or the state senate, or limited to four more years for legislators that have
  • already served 12 years .
  • Revolving Door: Requiring former statewide elected offic ials,legislators,cabinet officials, agency heads and their immediate family members,including spouse and children, to wait at least two years after their term ends before being able to lobby members of the legislature.
  • lobbying and Reporting: Requiring anyone, acting as an agent, who meets to influence the Governor’s office,the legislature,or any state department or agency regarding contracts to register as a lobbyist and publically report their clients.
  • Gifts: Banning state elected officials, their staff, and their family members from accepting any gifts such as travel, meals,and football tickets from individuals or special interests, as well as banning purchasing football tickets from special interests.
  • Double Dipping: Banning state elected officials or their immediate family members from double dipping by earning additional income or payments from state agencies that they have budget authority  over.
  • Pay to Play: Banning individuals or corporat ions who have contracts with the state from making political contributions to state elected officials.
  • State Projects: Banning former legislators from working on state-funded projects or initiatives that they voted on while they were legislators.
  • Fundraising During Session: Banningstate elected officials from raising any political campaign contributions while the legislature is in session.

The Alabama Political Reporter is a daily political news site devoted to Alabama politics. We provide accurate, reliable coverage of policy, elections and government.

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