By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—February was a good month for former Gov. Bob Riley’s Alabama 2014 PAC, bringing in a total of $152,832.66 in campaign contributions.
It was a pretty good month for Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard who raised $16,150, for his personal campaign. But, once again, Hubbard’s premiere “incumbent protection” fund, Storming the State House PAC, pulled another goose egg. This is the second month in a row that Storm PAC named after Hubbard’s vanity tome Storming the State House has added another zero to the account.
Alabama 2014, a PAC designed to help Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh and Hubbard stay in control and to keep a steady supply of money making opportunities flowing to the ex-governor was aided in February by construction, nursing homes and big ticket donors.
Major contributions came from William McNair a Auburn Foundation member and former Telco administrator and Billy Jones owner of Crowne Investments who has deep ties to nursing home industry.
Other donors of interest were Bradley Arant, who ponied up $13,333 for the former Gov. and Hoar Holdings, Saiia Investments, G. Mack Dove, Drummond Co. and Jim Walker, who each made $10,000 donors.
Alabama 2014 spend 42 percent of the cash it brought in on expenses.
Much of the total cash outlay went to McLaughlin & Associates who ran polling in the following Districts:
SD11, Jerry Fielding
SD29, Opposition to Harri Anne Smith
SD10,Phil Williams
HD12, Del Marsh
HD42, Kurt Wallace
The Riley controlled PAC also paid $7,000 on February 26 to Kate Anderson for consulting.
In January, Anderson spend several hours testifying before the Attorney General’s Special Grand Jury in Lee County. Anderson, who is known as the “Queen of Fundraising” for Riley and Hubbard was reportedly weeping after leaving the Grand Jury, believed to be investigating potential wrong doings by Speaker Hubbard.
Other cronies of Hubbard’s Scott Stone, Ryan Adams (Husband of Hubbard’s Communications Director) and Michael F. Joffrion, received payments from the PAC.
Alabama 2014, has $1,108,992.20 in cash on hand, plenty of money to ensure that Riley keeps his hands close to the government till.
As for Hubbard’s personal campaign fund, the Speaker raised contributions of $16,150 in February with expenditures of $20,505.
Hubbard’s biggest donors were Alabama Hospital Association and Vulcan Materials, both giving the beleaguered Speaker $5000 in campaign contributions.
Hubbard’s major expense was to McLaughlin & Associates. They receive $10,500 for polling and research. Also Hubbard paid The Stoneridge Group, $3,000 for consulting work. Kate Anderson received $3,125 from the Speaker.
Hubbard currently has $354,662.60 with which to fight to keep his House seat.
Storm PAC once again received no funding for February. It had a cash outlay of $3,000, leaving it a ending balance $277,168.88.
All of this is a far cry from the millions of dollars that Hubbard, Riley and Marsh promised that would have to ensure a Republican Supermajority that is beholden to them.
With less than three months until the Republican primaries, the clock is ticking for incumbents protection.