By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY— Alabama 2014 Political Action Committee led by former Gov. Bob Riley, now lobbyist in chief, raised a total of $97,750 in January, according to the PAC’s FCPA filings.
The PAC, a quasi-partnership between Riley, Speaker Mike Hubbard and Senate President Pro-Tem Del Marsh, is the machine that was organized to keep select GOP legislators in-line and in their seats with polices that only benefit the triumvirate.
This was also supposed to be part of Hubbard’s $10 million incumbent protection plan.
National Cement Company of Alabama was the PAC’s biggest donor at $29,000. Other generous gifts were from Alabama Blue Cross Blue Shield, $15,000 and China Doll Rice and Bean at $14,000.
Cemex Materials LLC, a Florida Concrete Block and Brick, also gave Riley $10,000, as did Henderson Steel Erectors, Inc. of Webb.
The United States Steel Corporation handed over $8,750 and Chris Guess who owns ESC Central, a UL Listed Central Station and Electronic Supply in Birmingham give $10,000.
Former Lt. Gov. Steve Windom gave his usual $1000 to the PAC.
Riley paid Kate Anderson’s company $3500, as well as a gas reimbursement for $93.50 in travel expenditures. Anderson’s payments came very near the date she appeared before the Attorney General Special Grand Jury in Lee County.
The PAC also paid Riley, Hubbard and Marsh favorites, Ryan Adams and Michael Joffrion, $4500 and $2500 respectively. Both Adams and Joffrion worked alongside Anderson during the Storming the State House era. Both carry out various political consulting duties. Adams is married to Speaker Hubbard’s communications director, Rachel. Another young operative, Scott Stone, received $2500 from the PAC. In total Riley spent $16,420.50.
The PAC has $1,031,176.05 a far cry from the $10 million Hubbard said he and his allies would have as they faced the 2014 elections.
This is only a few hundred thousand more than Riley’s Alabama Accountability SGO, which made around $900,000 so far this year.