By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The annual Madison County Legislative Delegation forum will be held on Tuesday, January 6th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Citizens will be given the opportunity to speak to their state legislators on issues important to them. This is not a debate format. The public expresses their concerns and the legislators listen.
This year’s event will be held in the Huntsville City Council chambers in the city Municipal Building located at 308 Fountain Circle in Huntsville. Persons who wish to be speakers must register in advance at the sign-up sheet which will be available starting at 6:30 pm. Each person is allotted just 3 minutes to speak. Speakers are allowed to bring materials to distribute to the legislators.
You can visit to get information about pre-filed bills. If you are speaking for or against a bill that has already been filed it would be helpful to have the bill number.
The meeting is scheduled to end promptly at 9:00 pm – even if there are still speakers still waiting so get there early to get on the list early.
For more information, call the Madison County Legislative Office at 256-539-5441.
The Alabama Legislative Sessions begin early this year due to the party primaries so the session begins on January 15th.
Remember that it is forecast to be bitterly cold on Tuesday night so drive slowly and dress very warmly.