By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The Rainy Day Patriots have announced that they will be holding a forum on the controversial Common Core Standards which the Alabama State Board of Education have already adopted at the urging of the Obama Administration. The forum will be held on January 10th from 6:30 pm to- 8:30 at: 1615 Noble St. in Anniston, Alabama.
The event is being held in Alabama State Senator Del Marsh’s (R) from Anniston district because of controversial remarks he has made saying that he, using his powers as Senate President Pro Tem, will kill any bill introduced by anyone in the State Senate in the 2014 legislative session.
The Alabama Legislative Watchdogs said in a written statement. “A public town hall/forum we feel is necessary due to the comments made by Senator Del Marsh regarding his stand that Common Core is too controversial to bring to the Senate Floor for a vote during an election year.”
Alabama Legislative Watchdogs Coordinator Deanna Frankowski told Brietbart’s Mary Chastian, “The voters deserve to have their legislators take an up or down vote. Will they support this hostile takeover of our education system or will they stand with Alabama families? Senator Del Marsh is standing in the way of that vote. Rest assured, we will not back down until we have an answer as to who is pulling the strings and why!”
The speakers at the event will include: Alabama State Senator Scott Beason who has prefiled a bill to overturn the school board’s adoption of the unpopular standards; Amie Beth Shaver who is a candidate for House District 43; Talladega County GOP Chairman Danny Hubbard; Ken Freeman; Steve Guede who is with the Calhoun County Rainy Day Patriots Delegation; and the Legislative Chair of the Rainy Day Patriots, Ann Eubanks.
The Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives Mike Hubbard (R) from Auburn told Chastain, “The most logical and immediate way to resolve the issue is for the State School Board to intervene and address Common Core now, not later. My position that Alabamians, not Washington bureaucrats, should decide how to best educate our students remains unchanged.” Speaker Hubbard said that he will attend the forum.
The Rainy Day Patriots is one of many Tea Party type groups in Alabama. Their organization has steadfastly opposed the controversial Common Core Standards which were originally developed by the Governor’s Association together with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The national standards have been embraced and endorsed by the Obama Administration.