By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—If you’re not busy the Thursday before the start of the 2014 Session, Speaker Mike Hubbard would like for you to be a host at his latest fundraiser. Oh, yeah…you will need to bring a $10,000 check for the privilege.
Just four days before the last session of the quadrennium, Hubbard is holding a very pricey fundraiser at the Capital City Club in Montgomery.
To be a host at the event, it will cost $10,000; to be a co-host: $5000. But, if you merely want to attend, it will only cost you a thousand bucks.
Holding a high-dollar fundraiser in Montgomery would seem to have little to do with constituent support for Hubbard, unless his constituents are lobbyists and big business.
An email with a follow up formal invitation was sent on Hubbard’s behalf by his chief fundraiser, Kate Anderson.
Anderson, wrote in her email,
“We would be grateful for your consideration of support through this event.”
However, the lobbyists that have come forward have said that this is just another shake-down, days before session:
“If you don’t come through with some money for Mike, you can bet your ass he will remember when your bill comes up.”
That was the sentiment of one long-time lobbyist.
Others see it as just business as usual under the Republican Supermajority.
“It was not always like this,” said a former staffer, “but Hubbard has turned the process into his personal ATM…it’s the new Republican way.”
Several lobbyists and businesses are taking a wait-and-see approach because of Hubbard’s troubles in Lee County.
The word on the street is that Hubbard is raising campaign cash to use for his very expensive legal fees.
One invitee said he was waiting until the very last minute in hopes Hubbard is indicted and removed from power. A event he said he would gladly give $10,000 to host.