By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
The Republican Party of Alabama is currently on a path that can mildly be described as an agonizing road of moral uncertainty.
The general consensus among the Republican leadership is that if Mike Hubbard is indicted on only a few felony counts, he will be allowed to remain in his position as Speaker of the House.
As outrageous as this might sound to the average citizen, the power elite of the Republican party have determined that Hubbard will only be removed as Speaker if he is charged with more than 15 crimes; or, if his indictment begins to have a negative effect on other GOP candidates.
The thinking among the ruling class is that it is better to try and keep a lid on Hubbard’s troubles than replace him and cause doubts about the party itself. So, it is with the so-called “Law and Order Right” that only multiple charges of corruption, racketeering or using one’s office for personal gain reaches the bar of removal from leadership. As has been stated here before, this thinking by the Republican Party’s leadership constitutes the height of political cynicism.
This political calculation in itself is a moral failing, which stands as a crisis of conscience for the whole Republican apparatus.
This attitude, so fraught with self-interest, illustrates the culture of corruption that has allowed Hubbard to not only remain head of this Alabama Leviathan, but to see it thrive for so long. The head must be removed for the good of the State, but it appears that Hubbard will survive as Speaker, unless his indictment inconveniences other’s elections.
Those who promote such notions should be removed from office, and they would be, if the good people of this State knew what a ruse is being played on them by their elected officials.
Is holding an office so dear and the will to power so great, that morals are so easily sacrificed to the gods of elections?
What idols do our leaders worship? Is it the flag that flies over the Capitol?
Has the Great Seal of Alabama become their Golden Calf, worshipped on a bloody altar where our morals are sacrificed, just to gain four more years of office?
God forbid!
When will men and women of character rise from the pigs swallow created by Hubbard to lead our people with righteousness and honor?
Like all people, if charged with crimes, Hubbard should be considered innocent until proven guilty. But a man who is considered to be the most powerful politician in Alabama should be held to a higher standard of ethical behavior, and therefore should be removed from any position of leadership or influence. Even the appearance of a moral failing in such a high office should be enough to remove an individual from the roll of leadership, much less removal from the most powerful position in the State Legislature.
Hubbard has spent his political career destroying the lives of other men and women. He has exercised power without guilt or remorse. Yet, he will now expect to be treated with kindness and consideration.
When the Democrats were in power, if one had been charged with so much as one count of using his office for personal gain, Hubbard would have stood on the steps of the State House crying for his removal. Now that Hubbard is in that position, he will fight, bully and beg to keep the reins of power.
The Republican Party will either display moral leadership or political cowardice.
Which will it be?