Staff Report
November 25, 2013 – Montgomery, Ala. – Republican County Commissioner and businessman Reed Ingram announced his campaign for House District 75 today.
“I feel like my experience as a county commissioner and as a business man for 32 years makes me an effective representative for the people of this district,” Ingram said.
District 75 is centered around Pike Road and eastern Montgomery County, and encompasses southern Elmore County including Blue Ridge and parts of Wetumpka.
“As a lifetime resident of Montgomery County, who represents the largest geographic district at the county commission, I understand the needs of the people of the district,” Ingram said. “I fight every day to reduce spending and the burden government places on business owners and job creators. I want to continue that fight at the statehouse where I can be even more effective.”
Polling indicates Ingram has a good shot at unseating Wren. A recent survey shows Ingram already has a lead of 15 points and that over half the likely voters in the Republican Primary could not name their current representative.
“I think those results indicate that the people who know me, trust me. I have always been open and accessible to everyone,” Ingram said. “I’ll take those same values downtown for the people of this district, and for the state as a whole, if they honor me with their votes.
The Republican Primary will be held June 3, 2014 and the General Election is November 2, 2014.