By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Dr. Chad Mathis (R) from Indian Springs spoke to the Rainy Day Patriots on Tuesday in the Tea Party group’s candidate forum at the Homewood Library. Dr. Mathis is running for the United States Congress from the Sixth Congressional District.
Mathis said that he has been endorsed by Freedom Works and is a surgeon, a small business man, a husband and a father.
Dr. Mathis said that his medical practice is the culmination of a dream to work hard, build something and then pass that on to his children. Mathis warned that that dream is under attack. It has become impossible for some and more difficult for many.
Mathis said that his grandfather instilled in him a love of the state of Alabama and the people of this state. He was the first person in his family to finish college.
Dr. Mathis said that he has read Obamcare (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) and warned of its consequences. “We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg with this bill.”
Mathis said that if we liked our healthcare insurance we could keep it and that has since been proven to be untrue. “What we have is government centered reform. We need to replace it with patient centered reform.” Mathis said that the government should stay out of our healthcare decisions.
Mathis said that we can’t keep sending the same kind of people to Washington and expect to see different results. Mathis described himself as a constitutional conservative and said that if Alabamians want someone who will fight for them and their constitutional principles that they should vote for him.
Mathis said, “We want our government back.” “With your help and the help of God we can take our government back, our country back and restore our constitution.”
Dr. Mathis is an Indian Springs orthopedist who helped start the Alabama Bone and Joint Clinic, He also was the founding chairman of the Alabama Coalition for Charter Schools.
Mathis is running in a crowded Republican field that includes: the co-founder and long time CEO of the Birmingham based Alabama Policy Institute (API), Gary Palmer and State Representative Paul DeMarco (R) from Homewood.
Prominent businessman and former Auburn Trustee John Blackwell is also reportedly mulling a run for the seat.
The Sixth District Congressional District seat is currently held by Rep. Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia. After serving in the seat for 21 years, Rep. Bachus announced that he would not seek re-election when his current term expires.
The Republican Primary will be in June 2014.
The Rainy Day Patriots are one of the largest and most influential Tea Party groups in the State of Alabama.