View Previous Episodes of The V
APR – The V – May 4, 2014 – Guest: Ebony Howard – SPLC
This week The V Team discusses the Moore indictment, Hubbard’s attorney’s response, April 28 storms, Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey, Violence Against Women Act, Lane case and ASU. Guest Ebony Howard, SPLC discusses children in the adult prison system.
APR – The V – April 27, 2014 – Guest – Comm. Neal Morrison
This week The V Team discusses lethal injections, more dark money, 6th district congressional race, 187 checks, Speaker’s spending and Moore v. Pipkin. Our guest Commissioner of Senior Services Neal Morrison discusses penalties for taking advantage of seniors, senior voter ID and meals for seniors.
APR – The V – April 20, 2014 – Guest: Bennet Wright, AL. Sentencing Comm.
The V Team discusses Barron case, PCI case, latest on Hubbard and Alvin Holmes latest. Our guest is Bennett Wright, Executive Director of the Alabama Sentencing Commission, discusses sentencing guidelines, the AL Sentencing Commission and prison reform.
APR – The V – April 13, 2014 – Guest: Dr. Stan Cooke
The V Team discusses complaints against The Foundation for Limited Government, using campaign funds for legal fees, Tutwiler and McCutcheon v. FEC. Our guest Dr. Stan Cooke, candidate for Lt. Governor discusses Common Core, minority and majority rights and responsibilities of being heartbeat away from the Governor’s office.
APR – The V – April 6, 2014 – Guest: Rep. Joe Hubbard (D)
This week The V Team discusses Greg Wren’s convictions, Greene County raid, Barry Moore and Armistead. This week’s guest Representative Joe Hubbard discusses the Attorney General and Green Track.
APR – The V – March 30, 2014 – Guest: Dr. Don Williamson
The V Team discusses the budgets, Beason’s gun bill, anti-corruption pledge, Hubbard Exposed and hit pieces. Our guest, Dr. Don Williamson explains Medicaid.
APR – The V – March 23, 2014 – Guest: Senator Paul Sanford
This week on THE V – The Incumbent Protection Plan, PAC-to-PAC transfers, Hubbard takes AEA money, rumors of plea deals in Lee County. Our special guest is Senator Paul Sanford (R-Huntsville) who discusses Carly’s Law, health savings accounts for small business and the state budgets.
APR – The V – March 16, 2014 – Guest: Steve Flowers
This week on THE V – We take a look at the media frenzy surrounding Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women. Our special guest is Political Columnist and TV and Radio Personality Steve Flowers who weighs in on legislative session.
Other topics include State Lottery, a Troy University study on Medicaid expansion which contradicts a previous UAB Study and also Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard who says he is a Conservative Reformer.
APR – The V – March 9, 2014 – Guest: Stephanie Petelos
This week the V Team discusses the Roy Moore advisory opinion, Luther Strange subpoena, AG office black hole, libertarians withing the ALGOP, the “Incumbant Protection Program” and push polling. This week’s guest former Chair of the College Republican Federation of Alabama.
APR – The V – March 2, 2014 – Guest: Senator Bobby Singleton
This week the V Team discusses ALGOP Winter Dinner, ballot access, and dark money. This week’s guest Senator Bobby Singleton discusses Voter ID and drug testing for public assistance recipients.
APR – The V – February 23, 2014 – Guest: Shay Farley
This week the V Team discusses pro-life legislation, gay marriage and Remington comes to Huntsville. This week’s guest Alabama Appleseed’s Legal Director Shay Farley talks about payday/title lending.
APR – The V – February 19, 2014 – Guest: Senator Billy Beasley
This week the V Team discusses the top political races around the state and who is drawing opposition. This week’s guest Sen. Billy Beasley discussed Medicaid expansion, lack of time for discussion of issues in the legislature and more.
APR – The V – February 9, 2014 – Guest: Dr. Tommy Bice
This week the V Team discusses Speaker Hubbard’s fundraising lacking, bill proposes bringing public examiners office under state auditor and payday/title lenders. This week’s guest Dr. Tommy Bice discusses the snowstorm, common core and school innovation, flexibility.
APR – The V – February 2, 2014 – Guest: Susan Watson – ACLU
This week the V Team discusses the Lee County Grand Jury, the consolidation bill and the Health Care Conscience Rights Act. This week’s guest Susan Watson, Executive Director of the AL ACLU discusses prison overcrowding and the death penalty.
Alabama Political Reporter – The V – January 26, 2014 – Guest: Senator Arthur Orr
This week the V Team discusses the Open Meetings Act, the lobbying bill, the death penalty bill and more. This week’s guest Senator Arthur Orr discusses support of bill calling for a US Constitutional Convention, crowd funding and the State General Fund.
APR – The V – Sunday, January 19, 2013 – Guest: Senator Roger Bedford
This week the V Team discusses Gov. Bentley’s State of the State, voting rights and the opening of the 2014 Legislative Session. This week’s guest Senator Roger Bedford discusses Medicaid and his expungement bill and a surprise engagement.
APR – The V – January 11, 2014 – Guest Rep. Patricia Todd
This week the V Team discusses Hubbard using campaign contributions to pay legal fees and changes to election qualifying deadline. This week’s guest Representative Patricia Todd discusses her bill legalizing same-sex marriage in Alabama as well as a bill legalizing the possession of a seizure drug that is a marijuana derivative.
Alabama Political Reporter – The V – 12/22/13 – Guest: Jeremy Oden
This week the V Team discusses indictments in Houston County, a Hubbard fundraiser before session, and Harri Anne Smith pole. This week’s guest PSC Commissioner Jeremy Oden discusses his background, the role of the Public Service Commission and the War on Coal. Check it out this week on The V.
Alabama Political Reporter – The V – December 15, 2013 – Rep. Jim McClendon
This week the V Team discusses the new House Agenda for the upcoming 2014 Session, a new Hubbard mailer, and party switchers. This week’s guest Rep. Jim McClendon discusses redistricting and texting while driving. Check it out this week on The V.
APR The V–2013 December 8–Guest Rev. Dr. John Killian
This week the V Team discusses the possible fallout if Speaker Mike Hubbard is indicted, “tainted” campaign contribution, unlimited corporate donations. This week’s guest Rev. Dr. John Killian discusses the lack of pro-life legislation during current legislative session. Check it out this week on The V.
APR The V – December 1, 2013 – Guests are “The V Team”
This week meet the V Team. Charlanna, Baron and Claire give insight into their background and tell how they became interested in politics. Plus, catch a glimpse behind the scenes with some hilarious outtake footage.
Sunday, November 24, 2013 – Senator Scott Beason (R) Gardendale
This week the V Team discusses the HD74 race results, dark money, GOP gambling and drinking. This week’s guest Senator Scott Beason discusses Common Core. Check it out this week on The V.
Sunday, November 17, 2013 – Senator Cam Ward (R) Alabaster
This week the V Team discusses Lee County grand jury, campaign finance and more. This week’s guest Senator Cam Ward discusses revolving door legislation, prison reform and the open meetings act. Check it out this week on The V.
Sunday, November 10, 2013 – Poarch Creek Tribal Treasurer Robert McGhee
This week the V Team discusses Byrne vs. Young; another freshman GOP, Wes Long, announces he will not seek re-election. This week’s guest is Poarch Creek Treasurer Robert McGhee discusses economic development and gaming regulations. Check it out this week on The V.
Sunday, November 3, 2013 – Guest: Rep. Craig Ford (D) – Gadsden
This week the V Team discusses Sen. Brian Taylor’s announcement that he will not seek re-election, Rep. Paul DeMarco’s declares for U.S. Congress. Meet the new addition to The V Team, Rufus T. Ficus. This week’s guest is House Minority Leader Craig Ford discusses the Accountability Act, teacher pay raises and the lottery. Check it out this week on The V.
Sunday, October 27, 2013 – Guest: Becky Gerritson, Wetumpka Tea Party
In this episode of “The V” we discuss why Attorney General Luther Strange has recused himself from two major cases. We also breakdown Byrne vs. Young and why the Bible has become an issue. Our special guest is Beck Gerritson from the Wetumpka Tea Party. Tune in to find out what is happening in Alabama Politics.
Sunday, October 20, 2013 – Guest is Chairman Bill Armistead
This episode of “The V” is enlightening as we discuss the Alabama State University audit ordered by Governor Bentley, the latest on Speaker Mike Hubbard, campaign finance, and our guest is ALGOP Chairman Bill Armistead.