By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
After 21 years in Congress, long-time Sixth District Congressman Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia announced that he would not seek re-election. On Tuesday, prominent orthopedic surgeon Dr. Chad Mathis (R) from Indian Springs announced his intent to run for the heavily Republican congressional seat.
Dr. Mathis told an estimated crowd of 95 friends, family, and supporters, “I’m running because I love God, my family, Alabama, and the Constitution. When I look at my children, Abby and Ben, I want to be able to tell them I did everything I could to stop out of control government spending and Obamacare.”
Dr. Mathis said, “I’m not a career politician, I just believe we need a strong Constitutional conservative voice In Washington, D.C. – and I plan to deliver just that.”
Dr. Mathis continued, “It’s time for a new type of conservative leader to go to D.C. and hold the line on spending, cut taxes, kill Obamacare, stop running deficits, balance a budget, and make government smaller. I will tackle these issues so Alabama’s 6th District families have more opportunities and freedom.”
Mathis said that he believed in the American dream but warned that that dream was being imperiled by Obamacare (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010). Dr. Mathis said, “I’ve read every word of Obamacare, and I know it will ruin America’s healthcare system, kill jobs, and drive up costs for Alabamians. We’ve had Obamacare in place for a week now, and it’s already on life support. The citizens of the 6th Congressional district deserve better than broken government websites and empty healthcare promises.”
Dr, Mathis said on Facebook, “What a day! Excited and humbled by all of the support from friends and family as we roll out our campaign for Congress.“
Dr. Mathis has been practicing medicine for the last decade and helped start the Alabama Bone and Joint Clinic, He also was the founding chairman of the Alabama Coalition for Charter Schools. Republican Alabama State Senators Cam Ward and Slade Blackwell, State Representatives Jack Williams and David Standridge, Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead, and 2012 congressional candidate Al Mickle have all announced that they are not running for the rare Congressional seat opening. Speculation centers around whether or not Alabama State Senator Scott Beason (R) from Gardendale (who ran unsuccessfully in 2012) and State Representative Paul DeMarco (R) from Homewood as possible candidates for the seat.
The Republican Primary will be in June 2014.