By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Tuesday, Republican voters in Alabama House District 74 will go to the polls to decide who will represent the highly conservative district for the next 14 months.
Charlotte Borden Meadows, Dimitri Polizos, and Heather Sellers are all running for House District 74 which was vacated by Rep. Jay Love (R) when he resigned to accept a position directing an education reform group.
On Tuesday, the candidates appealed to what is likely to be a very small turnout of voters.
Dimitri Polizos said on Facebook, “I need your help for a few minutes tomorrow. Please take the time to go exercise the right brave men and women have fought to defend – GO VOTE!”
Polizos has been running on the slogan, “It’s time to send a businessman to the State House.” Dimitri Polizos’ father founded the long popular Riviera Restaurant in Montgomery back in the 1960s. Polizos has been a Montgomery County Commissioner since 2004.
Dimitri Polizos said on his website, “I am running as a Republican in the upcoming special election for your state house district. Jay Love has resigned. He represented us well, and I hope to offer the kind of leadership Jay has provided for us since he was first elected in 2002.”
Heather Sellers has been the Vice Chairman of the Montgomery County School Board and has written that she, “Has gone toe to toe with the liberal special interests, fought against Obama’s Common Core curriculum, and stood for educational reform that was desperately needed.”
Despite that, in the closing days of the campaign Sellers has been criticized on some blogs for allegedly being soft on the Alabama Education Association (AEA). Sellers has questioned the effectiveness of the controversial Alabama Accountability Act, which passed in the last legislative session.
Charlotte Borden Meadows is a former member of the Montgomery School Board who has been running on her support for education choice in Alabama. Meadows said, “I’m the only candidate being attacked by the AEA, because I’m the only candidate in District 74 that believes in giving Montgomery parents a choice in where they send their kids to school.” Meadows said, “I’m proud of the work I have done as an education advocate. Alabama’s Education system needs reform and I am not going to back down because AEA attacks me. I am the only candidate that is pushing education reform and not defending the education status quo. I support the Accountability Act because I believe it is good for our students and families.”
On Tuesday Meadows said on Facebook, “Tomorrow is Election Day. I have 22 years of experience as a small business owner, fiscal conservative, and education advocate. I’ll work to improve our economy and education system. I humbly ask for the support of voters in District 74.”
The polls will open on Tuesday, October 8 at 7:00 am and will close at 7:00 pm.
The winner of the Republican Primary will fill Love’s unexpired term because no Democrat qualified to run in the heavily Republican district.